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孟秀祥 杨奇森 冯祚建 夏霖 王培民 蒋应文 白正清 李国林   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所, 北京, 100080
  • 出版日期:2005-07-12 发布日期:2008-07-07


MENG Xiuxiang  YANG Qisen  FENG Zuojian  XIA Lin WANG Peimin  J IANG Yingwen  BAI Zhengqing  LI Guolin   

  • Online:2005-07-12 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 2000 年6 月至2001 年1 月间, 在甘肃兴隆山保护区麝场对46 只圈养马麝进行扫描取样观察, 记录其站立及运动、摄食、反刍和静卧4 种行为, 并对各行为的发生率进行了统计分析。结果表明: 圈养马麝的活动有昼夜节律和季节变化, 夏季活动型属于晨昏型偏夜型, 秋季偏向昼夜型, 冬季也属昼夜型但趋于白昼活动; 除季节间分布不一的晨昏活动高峰期外, 3 个季节均有相对恒定的午夜(22 : 00~01 : 30) 活动高峰; 气温是影响圈养马麝活动格局的主要因子。

关键词: 圈养, 马麝, 活动格局

This preliminary studies on active patterns of captive alpine musk deer ( Moschus sifanicus) was conducted between June 2000 and January 2001 at Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve , Gansu Province of China1 The sampling population was 46, some of which were captured from wild at different stages , and some were born by captured deer. Four behaviors such as standing and locomotion (SL), feeding (FE) , ruminating (RU) and bedding (BE) were observed with the method of scanning sampling at intervals of 30 minutes. The scan observing was conducted with the binoculars of 10 ×50. The data of the behavioral emergency ratio was sorted by three seasons (summer, autumn, winter) and two periods (day time , night). The test of Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann - Whitney were used to analyze data. Our work showed that the daily active peaks of musk deer occurred in different patterns. There were different active peaks among seasons : dawn , dusk and midnight in summer; noon , dusk and midnight in autumn; noon、midnight in winter, and the midnight active peak was in common. In general , the musk deer was more active in darkness than in daytime in all three seasons , consequently , the active of alpine musk deer should belong to crepuscular pattern biased to be more active in night. In one season , there was significant difference between daytime and night time, which was resulted from environmental temperatures. In conclusion , the seasonal active pattern of the captive alpine musk deer is an evolution stable strategy (ESS) to the environmental temperature.


Key words: Captive, Alpine musk deer ( Moschus sifanicus), Active patterns