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马世来, 王应祥, 蒋学龙, 李健雄   

  1. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所
  • 出版日期:2006-07-29 发布日期:2007-09-13


MA Shilai, WANG Yingxiang, JIANG Xuelong, LI Jianxong,XIAN Rulun   

  • Online:2006-07-29 Published:2007-09-13

摘要: 据野外和笼养观察,滇金丝猴(Rhlnopitheeus bieti)主营攀跳型树栖生活。具多雄多雌混台集群的社会结构。社群以“小家庭”为基础,并具三角式序位. 主食粗纤维植物,食量大,家域广。春秋繁殖。游荡性活动,无固定夜宿点和明显的季节性垂直迁移现象。

关键词: 滇金丝猴, 社会行为 , 树栖性

Abstract: Yuunan golden monkey,Rhinopithecus bieti,is one of the very rare endemic speciLs of China and the national 1st class protected animal.It is only limited in the hinterland of trans—Himalayan (25°30′-29°40′ N。98°40′-100°00′ E;elevation about 3,300— 4,lOOm .
This species was firstly named by Milne-Edwards (1879)。After that。it had not been studied in hundred years.Pen et al。(1962) reported again based on 8 skins purchased from Deqin. The authors (Ma and Wang) et al,in 1979 had observed a small group of Ynnnan golden monkey onthe west slope of Jiawusnow-mountain, and 4 specimens were collected by Ma and Li,that the golden monkey still exist China is confirmed。Their distribution and habit were also reported(Li et a1,1981)。This paper is m ain1 discussing the social behavior and habitual speciality of Yunnan golden monkey. and also replenishing for our original reported result (Li et a1., l981)。
According toour field shadowedsurvey in 1979 and the captive observation at Kuuming Zoo in 1988,and by the comparison ofsolne characteristics or1 habits and skeletons (Tables 1 and 2),we draw the preliminary conclusions as follows:
Yunnan goIden monkey is belonging to the hylacolous primate of the climberIeaped type with a 1ittle swinging capacity, not semi-terrestrial animal (Yang,1984;Bai et a1.,1987)terrestrial type(Pen et a1.,1985, 1987)or semibrachiation category (Zhang et al.,1985;Ye.,1987) or all the more suited to the ground (Ye,1987).A series of bahavior actions of the monkey (including looking for food,having fun of each other.mating.noon break and night sleep etc。) are allon the tree.and seldom get down to the ground (Li et al.,1981).In the captivity, they always like to stay on the high shelf.There is only 2.04% (♂ 1.38,♀2.70 )on the ground in a day.Their social structure is a mixed-sex troops of multi—male and multi—fem ale,that is,the large-mixed—sex troops (Hladik,1975)or the multi-male mating system (Pen,1985;Bai et a1.,1987).The ratio of the sex in a social group is 1:2:3(7♂♂:16♀♀)}and of the adults and infants 1:1.3(10ad.:13inf.). The social hierarchy of Yunnan golden monkey is belonging to triadic or cyclic.There are several or many families in a natural social group as Sichuan golden monkey R.roxellanae (Cheng et al.,1983),but the "families” are not inpendent mating units.The home range of a socia1 group in wider(about 20- 50km2),among them seldom overlap ping each other.and often separated by high mountain or wider open ground
without forest.The breeding peaks occurs in spring and autumn.This monkey likes to loaf about so that they always have no permanental place for the night.Obvious seasonal vertica1 moving does not exist basedon the survey in winter (the authors,1979)and in summer (Mu 1982).

Key words: Yunnan golden monkey, Social behavior, Arboreal character