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Homosexual mounting within one all-male juvenile unit in wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana)

LU Jiuquan, ZHAO Dapeng, LI Baoguo   

  • Online:2007-03-17 Published:2008-07-07


吕九全, 赵大鹏, 李保国   

  1. 西北大学生命科学学院和西部资源生物与现代生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室,西安

Abstract: This paper is the first report of wild male Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) engaging in homosexual mounting within an all-male juvenile unit in the Qinling Mountains of China. Twenty-one cases of homosexual mounting were observed in this unit (range:1-16 s, mean =5.53±3.11 s). The result showed that 47.62% of the male homosexual mounting occurs while playing and 42.85% of them occur in the forms of three different imitated solicitations. Such as mounting were often accompanied by allogrooming (47.62%) and playing (23.81%). These results when compared with previous published data on behavior during infancy, suggests that this behavior is a component of the species, sexual developmental progression. In terms of the social organization of wild R. roxellana, juvenile male mounting in allmale unit may serve an important social bonding function between male peers. Furthermore,the phenomenon that 76.19% of homosexual mountings happened within the first hour after their "afternoon rest period", especially the initial fifteen minutes, may be caused by the reversal effect of "sleep-wake cycle"on sexual hormone regulation.

Key words: All-male unit, Homosexual mounting, Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), Socio-sexual behavior

摘要: 本研究采用行为取样方法,首次对秦岭野生川金丝猴全雄青年群中的同性爬跨行为进行报道。研究中我们共观察到21 次同性爬背行为,其平均持续时间为5.53 ± 3.11s;雄性同性爬背发生前的行为中以玩耍行为(47.62% )和3 种不同姿势的邀配模仿行为(42.85% )为主;而同性爬背行为发生后则主要为彼此间的相互理毛行为(47.62% )和玩耍行为(23.81% )。对比先前婴幼猴时期的相关研究结果,青年猴同性爬背行为前邀配模仿资势的多样化在一定程度上体现了野生状态下雄性川金丝猴个体青少年阶段的性行为发育进程。考虑到川金丝猴全雄群的社会结构,青年猴同性爬背行为具有巩固社群稳定和加强个体关系的功能。此外,研究中观察到76.19% 的同性爬背行为发生在昼间休息期之后的第一个小时内,这可能是“睡眠与觉醒循环”对性激素的反调节作用所致。

关键词: 川金丝猴, 同性爬背, 全雄群, 社会性行为