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罗时有1, 解文治1, 陈服官2, 闵芝兰2   

  1. 1. 陕西省动物研究所;
    2. 西北大学生物系
  • 出版日期:2011-11-23 发布日期:2011-11-22


LUO Shiyou1, XIE Wenzhi1, CHEN Fuguan2, MIN Zhilan2   

  1. 1. Institute of Zoology, Shaanzi Province;
    2. Department of Biology, Northwest University
  • Online:2011-11-23 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae Milne-Edwards)仅产我国,是闻名世界的稀有珍贵动物之一。有关金丝猴形态学的研究,国外由于材料之难得而研究甚少,Hill(1966)的《灵长类的比较解剖学和分类学》专著中对金丝猴属亦仅在分类和分布上作了简述;即使国内,以往亦多偏重于外部形态及生态生物学的观察研究,而对其内部系统解剖方面亦报道不多。近年来,我们进行了金丝猴的一些系统解剖工作,本文仅将在研究其躯干骨和四肢骨的基础上,同时与黑叶猴(Presbytis francoisi Pousa-rgues)和猕猴(Macaca mulatta Zimmermann)进行对比,以期阐明其结构特点和与后二者的差异,为丰富其系统形态学的内容积累资料,亦为进一步探讨其分类地位提供依据。

Abstract: This paper describes the trunk bones and the appendage bones of the golden monkey ( Rhinopithecus roxellanae ) . After comparing with rhesus macaqus ( Macaco mulatta) and fracois'leaf monkey(Presbytis francoisi), the authors found the following remarkable differences:1. The shoulder girdle has many morphological difference among the three monkeys. The scapular index of the golden monkey is over 110, but the indexes of the other two are under 90.2. The vertical and cross diameters of the pelvis of the golden monkey are larger than that of the rhesus monkey and fracois'leaf monkey. The two iliums of the golden monkey are slightly inclined dorsally, so that the pelvis also inclines from dorsal to ventral.3. The morphology and position of the tubers and trochanters of the appendage bones are different among the three species.The above variations are related to the living manner of the golden monkey, They live on the trees all the time for food and often spring between branches suddenly and violently their forelimbs require more rotating ability, so that the scapulas, the clavicles, the sternum and the humerus have taken place some variations. When they climb and set on the trees they alwayes keep erect posture, so that their pelvis has some morphological variations. These variations may be ecological adaptation at first, but through a long evolutional process, and natural selection, they became intrinsically, and fixed finally.