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  1. 陕西师范大学生命科学学院,西安
  • 出版日期:2006-06-01 发布日期:2008-07-07


TAI Fadao,WANG Tingzheng   

  • Online:2006-06-01 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 每月选取农田样方,用洞道内置夹及挖捕法对棕色田鼠洞群内的群体结构进行调查发现,棕色田鼠在不同的季节,洞群内个体组成不同。在4月和10月,同洞群内成年雄性和雌性的数量较多,往往有两个以上的雌性个体参与繁殖,而且亚成体和幼体的数量也较多;而6月至9月,棕色田鼠多呈雌雄一一配对,有些洞群内也有幼体和亚成体,雌雄共巢,而呈现单配制特征。所以其社会组织呈现群居家庭、双亲家庭和单亲家庭3种类型。4月和10月群居家庭最多(60%,61.53%),6月和9月双亲家庭较多(80%,75%),双亲家庭所占比例和密度呈负相关,而群居家庭所占比例和密度呈正相关。在不同的季节洞口系数不同,洞口系数和密度呈正相关。

关键词: 棕色田鼠, 洞系, 社会组织

Abstract: The colonial structure of mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus) varies from month to month. Mandarin vole had a large family size which consisted of several adult males and females and many offsprings in April and October. From June to September it consisted of one adult male and one adult female and had offsprings or not. So social organization of mandarin voles consisted of communal groups male-female pairs and single female breeding unit. Male-female pairs displayed behavioral traits associated with monogamy, including sharing a common nest and home range. In April and October, there are more communal groups (60%, 61.5 %). In June and September, there are more male-female pairs (80%, 75%). The percents of communal groups were positively correlated with the densities of the voles and the percents of male-female pairs were negatively correlated with the densities of the voles. The burrow index (number of voles /number of burrows) were different in different seasons. The burrow index were positively correlated with the density of voles. So it infers that the changes of the colonial structure of voles were caused mainly by reproduction and joining of new members.

Key words: Microtus mandarinus, Social organization, Burrow system