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赵迎春 苏彦捷   

  1. 北京大学心理学系
  • 出版日期:2005-07-26 发布日期:2008-07-07

Alarm Calls of Nonhuman Primates

ZHAO Yingchun SU Yanjie   

  • Online:2005-07-26 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 警报叫声是非人灵长类动物社会交往中的一种重要的通讯行为。本文从警报叫声系统及其作用、发展和影响因素入手, 综述了相关研究。根据叫声包含的信息, 警报叫声可以归纳为功能性参照系统和紧迫性参照系统。警报叫声使灵长类动物能够更好地躲避危险, 增加存活机率。各物种产生、理解和使用警报叫声的能力有其发展过程。天敌的捕食方式、个体差异和学习, 在不同层次上影响着警报叫声。川金丝猴警报叫声的初步研究发现不同性别、年龄个体的警报声所体现的危险程度不同。对更多物种进行更深入的研究将有助于了解非人灵长类警报叫声的全貌。

关键词: 非人灵长类, 警报叫声, 功能性参照, 紧迫性参照

Abstract: Alarm-calling behavior is important in the social communication of nonhuman primates. Based on related studies, the paper introduced two systems (functional reference system and urgency reference system) and alarming functions of the calls, and reviewed the developmental process of production, comprehension and usage of alarm calls. Meanwhile, the influential factors including predators'hunting techniques, individual differences and learning were discussed. In the preliminary study of Sichuan golden monkeys'alarm calls, it was found that different levels of dangerous information embedded in males, females, and infants'calls. Future researches on more species will help to understand more about alarm calls of nonhuman primates.

Key words: Nonhuman primates, Alarm calls, Functional reference, Urgency reference