兽类学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 344-351.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150476

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王乐文, 应亚奇, 刘晓辉, 宋英, 李宁, 王大伟   

  1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京 100193
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-30 出版日期:2021-05-30 发布日期:2021-05-27
  • 通讯作者: 王大伟,E-mail:dwwang@ippcaas.cn
  • 作者简介:王乐文(1995-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事鼠类繁殖生理学研究.E-mail:happywwener@163.com
  • 基金资助:

The inhibitory effect of triptolide on reproductive capacity of male Brandt's voles(Lasiopodomys brandtii)

WANG Lewen, YING Yaqi, LIU Xiaohui, SONG Ying, LI Ning, WANG Dawei   

  1. Institute of Plant Protection Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
  • Received:2020-09-30 Online:2021-05-30 Published:2021-05-27

摘要: 为评价植物源鼠类不育剂雷公藤甲素对雄性布氏田鼠的不育效果,本研究采用每千克体重0 mg、0.1 mg、0.2 mg、0.4 mg的雷公藤甲素溶液对雄鼠进行连续7 d灌胃处理,并在停药2周和4周后检测其体重、性腺重、精子密度及配对雌鼠怀孕率与胎仔数。结果表明,雷公藤甲素处理未显著降低雄性布氏田鼠的体重、性腺相对重量、附睾尾精子密度,以及停药4周组配对雌鼠的怀孕率与胚胎数;但停药2周低剂量(0.1 mg)处理组配对雌鼠的怀孕率和胎仔数出现显著降低,怀孕率与对照组(100%)相比下降66.7%,胎仔数与对照组(8.3)相比下降了72.3%。这说明,雷公藤甲素对雄性布氏田鼠繁殖力的抑制作用主要表现在受孕阶段,但其不育效果未呈现剂量效应,反而在低浓度表现出更好效果。雷公藤甲素对附睾功能和精子动力学参数的影响可能是其不育效果的主要原因,但是仍需深入研究不同剂量的作用机制,为其合理施用提供理论依据。

关键词: 雷公藤甲素, 布氏田鼠, 鼠类不育剂

Abstract: To investigate the antifertility effect of triptolide on male Brandt's voles(Lasiopodomys brandtii), intragastric administration was conducted in four groups of male voles with different concentrations of triptolide, i. e. 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 mg per kilogram body weight, for seven successive days. Each male was paired with one female at 1 and 3 weeks after withdrawal. Male voles autopsied one week later and body weight and reproductive parameters were measured and recorded, including the weight of gonadal glands, epididymal sperm density, pregnancy rate, and fetus number of the paired female. Our results showed that the three treatment groups displayed non-significantly lower relative weight of reproductive organs, sperm density, as well as pregnancy rate and fetus number of paired female voles in the 4-week withdrawal group. However, we found a significant decrease of 66.7% in the pregnancy rate and 72.3% of fetus number of paired female voles in the 0.1 mg per kilogram body weight 2-week withdrawal group compared with the control group. These results suggested that low triptolide concentration displayed stronger inhibitory effects on the reproductive activity of male Brandt's voles than these high concentration levels. The antifertility effects of triptolide are probably due to its toxicity on the function of the epididymis and the parameters of sperm motility. Further research should be focused on the mechanism of different doses of triptolide on rodents and provide theoretical evidence for its intelligent use.

Key words: Triptolide, Lasiopodomys brandtii, Rodent sterilant
