]*>","")" /> 犬科、猫科动物细小病毒血清抗体调查

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  1. 军事医学科学院军事兽医研究所
  • 出版日期:2012-02-29 发布日期:2012-02-20

Serologic survey for antibodies to parvovirus in canines and felines

JIN Xiaoxia, WANG Hualei, WANG Shan,LIANG Meng, ZHOU Ming,WANG Wei,LIU Dan,YANG Songtao,XIA Xianzhu   

  1. Institute of Military Veterinary,A cademy of Mil itary Medical Sciences
  • Online:2012-02-29 Published:2012-02-20

关键词: 抗体调查, HI, SN, 细小病毒, 犬科动物, 猫科动物

Abstract: An survey of antibodies to parvovirus was carried out in canines and felines. Three hundred and ninety six serum samples were collected from several domestic or wild canines and felines in different regions of China during 2009 to 2011. Sera from 203 canines samples and from 193 feline samples were tested for antibodies to canine parvovirus virus
(CPV)and feline parvovirus virus (FPV)respectively using micro-hemagglutination inhibition (HI)and micro-serum neutralization assays (SN). The results of the two methods are highly parallel and consistent. The antibody positive rate to CPV is 28.6% in canines and 42.5% to FPV in felines. We propose that the canines and felines had been infected by parvovirus in different regions of China.

Key words: Antibody survey, Canines, felines, HI, Parvovirus, SN