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LIU Xiaoming  LI Ming  WEI Fuwen   

  • Online:2005-07-11 Published:2008-07-07


刘晓明 李明 魏辅文   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所, 北京

Abstract: Females cannot produce more offspring than the number of their eggs. herefore, from the theoretical perspective, one or a few matings are sufficient for females to fertilize all eggs and maximize their potential reproductive abilities for one estrus period. Contrary to the prediction, however, females of many animal species often mate multiply with a single male or more males. Because mating often carries relatively high cost, it is difficult to understand why females mate multiply. Adaptive and non-adaptive hypotheses to explaining female multiple mating are reviewed in the paper. Adaptive hypotheses are separated into two parts: obtaining both direct benefits and 'indirect (genetic) benefits' from mating partners. Direct benefits may take the form of courtship feeding , nuptial gifts, fertilization assurance, paternal care, stimulation of reproduction and female of guarding of mating right with males. Specifically, this review emphasizes on discussing the three hypotheses on genetic benefits, i. e. 1 acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity within clutches, and genetic compatibility. Two non-adaptive hypotheses such as the genetic related and compliance with male behavior are also discussed.

Key words: Sexual selection, Polyandry, Genetic compatibility, Major histocompability complex

摘要: 雌性动物的后代数量不可能超过她的卵子数。在理论上, 一个生殖季节内, 一次或几次交配就足够使雌性所有卵子受精, 最大化其生殖潜能。但与理论预测相反, 许多物种的雌性经常与同一个或多个雄性发生多次交配。交配通常要付出较高的代价, 所以很难理解为什么雌性动物要反复进行多次交配。本文综述了解释此行为的一些适应性和非适应性假说。从获得直接收益和间接收益二个角度介绍了适应性假说。直接收益主要包括求偶喂食和“彩礼”、受精保证、亲代抚育、生殖刺激和护卫交配权等5 个方面。还着重介绍了多次交配对雌性后代的间接遗传受益, 即获得优质基因、提高后代遗传多样性和遗传互补性3 个假说。非适应性假说包括了遗传相关假说和顺从雄性行为假说。

关键词: 性选择, 一雌多雄制, 遗传互补性, 主要组织相容性复合体