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Taxonomic Status of Roe Deer in Northeastern China Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequences

ZHANG inghai XIAO Chaoting Koh Hungsun   

  • Online:2005-07-26 Published:2008-07-07


张明海  肖朝庭  Koh Hungsun   

  1. 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院, 哈尔滨

Abstract: Roe deer play an important ecological role as a main food resource for large carnivores and is an important game species. They are distributed widely across northeastern and northwestern regions of China. However , the taxonomic status of Chinese roe deer is still in dispute because there have been no genetic analyses of the phylogenetic relationship of Chinese roe deer to other populations.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a highly sensitive marker suitable for studies of closely related taxa or populations because it is maternally inherited and has a relatively rapid rate of change . We utilized PCR technique and DNA sequencing to analyze portions of mtDNA Cyt b gene (415 bp) and parts of the mtDNA control region sequence (764 bp) to assess the taxonomic status of roe deer in northeastern China. Specimen collections were made from Wanda Mountains (46°15′N , 133°16′E) , Lesser Khinghan Mountains (47°10′N , 128°54′E) , Great Khinghan Mountains (52°10′N , 123°15′E) , Sanjiang Wetland Nature Reserve (46°30′ N , 133°15′E) , and Jilin Xianghai Wetland Nature Reserve (45°40′N , 122°20′E) . We compared results of our sequencing to those derived from European and Siberian roe deer (from GenBank) to assess their phylogenetic relationship.
The average divergence of Cyt b gene and the control region sequence between roe deer from northeastern China and Europe was 4.12 % and 4.89 % respectively , indicating sufficient variation to consider them separate species. However , divergence between northeastern Chinese and Siberian roe deer was only 1.61 % (Cyt b) and 2.44 % (control region) . Considering similarities in body size and antler characteristics , we believe roe deer of northeastern China and Siberia should be regarded as a single species , distinct from European roe deer. We propose that the scientific name of roe deer in northeastern China should be changed to Capreolus pygargus from Capreolus capreolus. Assuming the cytochrome b gene diverged at a rate of 0102 nucleotide distance/million years , we infer that roe deer from northeastern China diverged from the European species about 2 illion years ago , while divergence with Siberian roe deer was only about 800 thousand years ago.
Additional specimens from other localities in China are needed for further research of the taxonomic status of roe deer in China.

Key words: Northeastern China roe deer, European roe deer, Siberian roe deer, Mitochondrial DNA, Cytochrome b, Control region, Taxonomy

摘要: 从分子水平探讨中国东北狍的分类地位国内外对中国狍的分类地位意见不一。本文测定了来自中国东北完达山、小兴安岭、大兴安岭、三江和吉林向海等5 个地区的15 只野生狍的线粒体DNA Cyt b 基因(415 bp) 和来自完达山、三江和吉林向海等3 个地区的6 只野生狍的线粒体控制区部分序列(764 bp) , 分析了中国东北狍与西伯利亚狍、欧洲狍的系统进化关系,得出中国东北狍与欧洲狍之间mtDNA Cyt b 和mtDNA 控制区序列差异平均值分别为4.12%和4.89 % , 达到了鹿类动物的种间差异水平; 而与西伯利亚狍的tDNA Cyt b 和mtDNA 控制区序列差异平均值仅为1.61 %和2.44 % , 只达到亚种水平。结合形态学的差异, 本文认为中国东北的狍与欧洲狍为两个独立的物种, 与西伯利亚狍为同种。并提出中国东北狍与欧洲狍的分歧时间约在200 万年前, 与西伯利亚狍的分歧时间约在80 万年前。

关键词: 中国东北狍, 欧洲狍, 西伯利亚狍, 线粒体DNA, 细胞色素b , 控制区, 分类