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Small Mammals Consuming Tree Seeds in Dujiangyan Forest

XIAO Zhishu ZHANG Zhibin   

  • Online:2005-07-14 Published:2008-07-07


肖治术 张知彬   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所农业虫鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室

Abstract: Through the live-trap-and-feed method ( placing three seeds each tree seeds and peanuts in live traps) , this study was conduct to investigate the species of small mammals , which potentially consume the six tree seeds : Quercus varialilis , Q. serrata , Castanopsis fargesii , Lithocarpus harlandii , Cyclobalanopsis glauca and Camellia oleifera in the forest of Dujiangyan Region , Sichuan Province , China. The results showed that : dominant rodent species , Leopoldamys edwardsi , Niviventer fulvescens , N. confucianus , Berylmys bowersi , Apodemus chevrieri and Rattus nitidus consumed all the seed species provided , and they also had some selectivity on these tree seeds. Leopoldamys edwardsi had a higher selective index for all tree seed species , while the other species had a strong selection on these seeds. Among these six tree seeds , all small mammal species preferred to consume Castanopsis fargesii seeds (with lower tannin) , but consume fewer Lithocarpus harlandii seeds (with hard seed coat) . This indicated that body size of small mammals , seed quality and the time to comsume a seed might be the main factors affecting seed selection by small mammals. This study also showed that the live-trap-and-feed method could inform the difference of seed selection by small mammals. But it had both advantages and limitations on seed selection by small mammals.

Key words: Small mammals, Tree seeds, Live-trap-and-feed method, Dujiangyan Forest

摘要: 在都江堰林区, 采用活捕喂养法调查了取食栓皮栎、枹树、栲树、石栎、青冈和油茶种子的小型兽类及其对这些种子的选择。结果表明, 捕获的小泡巨鼠、针毛鼠、青毛鼠、大足鼠和褐家鼠大都取食这些林木种子,且存在一定的选择差异性。小泡巨鼠对6 种林木种子的选择指数均较高, 其他鼠种的选择有显著差异。在6 种林木种子中, 所有鼠种均喜好取食栲树种子, 很少取食石栎种子。小型兽类个体的大小、种子质量和取食林木种子所耗用的时间可能是影响小型兽类选择和利用不同林木种子的主要因素。活捕喂养法虽然能够了解小型兽类对林木种子的选择差异, 有其优点, 但也有局限性。

关键词: 小型兽类, 林木种子, 活捕喂养法, 都江堰林区