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Diet of the Chinese Water Deer(Hydropotes inermis)in Zhoushan Archipelago,China

GUO Guangpu, ZHANG Endi   

  • Online:2005-10-14 Published:2008-07-07


郭光普 张恩迪   

  1. 同济大学生命科学与技术学院,上海,

Abstract: This studywas to determine what kind of feeders the Chinese water deer are in Zhonshan Archipelago, China. The study was conducted by using observation of feeding signs in the wild, micohistological analysis of feces, and feeding trials. The
results showed that Chinese water deer fed on a total of 137 plant species, included in 61 families and115genera. Leguminosae plants wereselected most, both in numbers of species and frequency of occurrences. Even though they maintained a relatively
constant usage level of plant species and families, the numbers of both decreased from spring to winter,but diet in summer and autunm were similar to that in spring. All of the four plant types (forbs,graminoids,woody plants and forbs) were taken year-round
with no significant diferences,even though they were varied among seasons,however all types except woody plants showed significant variation among seasons. Herbage intake decreased while that of woody plants increased, from spring to winter.Woody plants and forbs were dominant, while graminoids were rare in the diet of the deer. The results suggested that the Chinese water deer isa concentrate feeder or a browser in

Key words: The Chinese water der(Hydropotes inermis), Micmhistological analysis of feces, Feeder type, Seasonal ckmges

摘要: 利用野外观察、粪便显微组织学分析和投喂实验等方法对舟山群岛獐的食性进行了研究。结果表明,研究地的獐所食植物共有137种,隶属于6l科l15属,其中豆科植物在取食种类和取食频次上均多于其它科植物。尽管獐对植物科和种的选择在四季间没有显著差别,但取食科和种的数量依然从春天到冬天呈递减趋势,并且冬天与其它3个季节差别较大。獐的食物中,每个季节都含有非禾草类草本植物、禾草类草本植物、木本植物和蕨类植物,且其食物组成在季节间亦无显著差异;除木本植物外,獐对其它3类植物的选择在季节间有显著差异。獐在冬天较多选择木本植物,而其它季节较多选择草本植物,但木本植物和非禾草类草本植物在四季食物组成中均占较高比例,而禾草类植物所占的比例很小。因此,笔者认为舟山群岛的獐应该偏向于嫩食者。

关键词: 獐, 粪便显微组织学, 取食类型, 季节变化