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A Study of the Behavior of Female Giant Pandas(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Following Mating

HUANG Xiangming, ZHANG Zhihe, YU Jianqiu, LI Guanghan, LI Mingxi, L1U Xuanzhen, LAN Jingchao   

  • Online:2005-10-14 Published:2008-07-07


黄祥明 张志和 余建秋 李光汉 李明喜 刘选珍 兰景超   

  1. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,濒危动物繁殖与保护遗传四川省重点实验室,成都

Abstract: We studied behavioral indicators of pregnancy for 8 adult femalegiant pandas(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding following 20 mating events,1999-2002. All data were collected between the hours of
14:00 and 17:00 between June and November, each female was observed for one hour during this period each day. All females were in good health and had mated, either naturally or artificially. Four scenarios were observed: 1.behavioral indicators of
pregrmncy were strong; 2. behavioral indicators of pregnancy were weak; 3. the female demomtrated a pseudo-pregnancy; and 4. no behavioral response was observed.
We conclude that strong behavioral responses which included a reduction in appetite or a stoppage of eating about 27 days before dehvery,were common for pandas that delivered successfully. The percentage time spent resting was over 91%. Noticeable
antenatal responses an d vulvae changes were also observed; Weak behavioral indicators of pregnancy were rare for some pandas which also gave birth. One indicator was a slight reduction in appetite,however,the percent of time spent resting did not change,and there were no obvious antenatal responst or vulvae changes. Behaviors of pseudo-pregnancy and real pregnancy were similar, with fluctuating ingestion of food. Appetite,amount of activity and vulvae appearance gradually returned to normal. Some pandas demonstrated no behavioral responses or corresponding behaviors after mating.

Key words: Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), Mating, Behavior, Pregnancy, Pseudo-pregnancy

摘要: 1999—2O02年,对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的8只健康大熊猫20只次受配后行为进行了观察,以了解大熊猫配种后的行为变化,结果发现有以下4种情况:1)妊娠反应明显;2)妊娠反应不明显;3)假妊娠;4)无任何反应。并对这4种情况从行为上进行了探讨,明显的妊娠反应是怀孕产仔大熊猫的普遍规律,在产前27 d左右明显减食、拒食,静卧安静休息时间在9l%以上,有明显的临产反应,外阴、乳房发生明显的变化;不明显的妊娠反应是怀孕产仔大熊猫的特殊情况,有所减食,静卧安静休息时间无明显变化,也无明显的临产反应,有的外阴变化不大;假妊娠反应类似于明显的妊娠反应,出现在部分受配和未受配的大熊猫中,食欲变化有波动,到一定时间后食欲、活动量及外阴逐渐恢复;无任何反应是受配后一直无任何与妊娠有关的行为表现,食欲、活动情况如常。

关键词: 大熊猫, 配种, 行为, 妊娠反应, 假妊娠