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LIJjinghui, Rex E.Marsh   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2007-09-13


李镜辉, Rex E.Marsh   

  1. 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 北京

Abstract: A new method for estimating the palatability of roden ticides is introduced. It is describing the palatability by a linear regression equation in which the acceptance co-efficient is taken as th e ordlnate(x) and the logarithm of concentrations of the co den -ticide in baits as the absclssa(Y).The advantage of this method is that the trend of variation of the palatability of baits eaused by the concentration changes can be reflc-cted.The method is demon strated with two rodentlcldes,zinc phosphide and vitaminD 3.The correlation coefficien t determination shows that there exi st s a very significa-nt negative correlation between the acceptance coefficien t and the logarith m con cen tra-tion for zinc phosphide (r= -0.8923,p< 0.001) and the absolute value of the correlation coefficient is slightly less than it should be if statistically signlfican t(p=0.05) for vitamin D 3,so it can be considered th at the vitamin D3 is better than zinc phosphide in palatability or rodent acceptance.And the regression calculation shows that the regression equation for zinc phosphide is:
Y =0.4153-0.2541X.
In addition, the results show that a minimum of the applicable concen tration is
0.1% and the optimum is 0.2% for vitamin D3but the two are on ,i.e-2 %for zinephosphide.

Key words: Rodent conlro1, Rodenti control, Pala tability, Vitamin D3, Zinc phosphide.

摘要: 本文提出了一种新的评价灭鼠剂适口性的方法,即用直线回归方程来描述灭鼠剂的适口性,具体做法是以毒饵的摄食系数为纵座标(Y),以灭鼠剂在毒饵中的浓度的对数为横座标(x),求出直线回归方程。本法的优点是可口反映毒饵的适口性随灭鼠剂在毒饵中的浓度改变而产生变化的趋势,并以磷化锌和维生素D3为实例加以说明 相关系数测定表明,磷化锌的摄食系数与其对数浓度之间存在着非常显著的负相关关系(r=-0.8923,p<0.OO1),其直线回归方程为Y=0.4153-0.2541X。实验结果表明,磷化锌的最低适用浓度和最适浓度均为2% ,而维生素D3的最低适用浓度为0.1% ,最适浓度为0.2%。

关键词: 鼠类防制, 灭鼠剂, 适口性, 维生素D3, 磷化锌