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GAO Guofu , ZHOU Kaiya   

  • Online:2006-07-29 Published:2007-09-13


商国富, 周开亚   

  1. 南京师范大学生物系

Abstract: The nasal passage and associated structures of thirteen specimens of Neophocavna phocaenoides taken from the Yellow Sea were studied.9- 10 nasal saes were renognized.They are the paired vestibular, nasofrontal,premaxillary,vomeronasal sacs and the accessory sac,the last was single in most specimens,but paired in some specimens.The vestibular sac was very large,its transversal slitlike orifice opened in the anterior wall of nasal passage.The orifices of left and right sacs were connected.The ventral wall of
the vestibular sac was thick and throw into 10— 15 transversal ridges.No anterior or posterior fold of vestibular sac was found. The anterior portion of the nasofrontal Sac was well distended.The posterior portion was vertical and opened into inferior vestibule. The prermaxillary sac was small,situated on the bulbous convexity of the pramaxilla.It seens that much air could hardly be stored in the sea. Accessory sac was very small and generally only the right one present.Neophocaena has alto a pair of vomeronasal sacs which arc vertical and behind the posterior portions of nasofrontal Sacs.The
right nasal sacs were obviously large than the left ones.There were two lip-like structures on each side of the deep part the caudal to the nasal passage- the posterior lip of the nasal passage and the septum between the vomeronasal sac and the posterior portion of the nasofrontal sac.The diagonal membrane was vestigial and no associated muscle fibers were found.So for Neophocaena at least, diagonal membrane may not play an important role in sound production.Two pairs of fatty structures,which Cranford (1986)named dorsal bursae,were found around the nasa1passage of Neophocaena .No "museau de singe "was recognized.

Key words: Neopkocaena phocaenoides, Nasal passage and associated structures, Anatomy

摘要: 江豚大多有9个鼻道囊,少数有10个。即前庭囊、鼻额囊、前颌囊和犁鼻囊各1对,副囊大多单个,少数1对。各鼻道囊的大小和形状与海豚科差别很大,如江琢右侧的鼻道囊明显大于左侧,鼻道后部下段每侧有两个唇状结构——鼻道后唇和犁鼻囊与鼻额囊后部之间的隔,对角膜不明显且无对角膜肌。鼻道底部每侧存在1对脂肪状的“背脂囊”,未见有鼻瓣。

关键词: 江豚, 鼻道及其附属结构, 解剖