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JIANG Zhaowen, XULi, MA Yiqing, WANG Yongqing, LIYongqi, Buskirk StevenW.   

  • Online:2006-06-29 Published:2008-07-07


姜兆文, 徐利, 马逸清, 王永庆, 李永琪, Buskirk StevenW.   

  1. 黑龙江省科学院自然资源研究所

Abstract: Winter habitat selection for foraging and resting of sables (Martes z ibellina ) was studied by snow trails tracking from 1991 to 1993, in Huzhong and Tuqiang, Daxinganling Mountains, China. The result of 332 samples showed that: sables prefered forest attributes associated with late successional stages. i. e. 1. Sables selected fo rest with intermediate to dense tree canopy (P = 0.0001) and mixed dominanttree (P = 0.02) ,avoided single tree dominant and open areas. 2. Did not select shrub canopy (P =0.091) , but preferred m ixed shrub dominant areas (P = 0.03). 3. They preferred for forage in riparian areas and slope bottoms, while resting on ridgetops (P =0.009) with aboundant logs, boles or roots, but did not select slope aspect (P = 0.39). 4. Sables preferred large tree density (P = 0.0001) , larch basal area (P = 0.005) , large tree abh(P = 0.0001) , larch abh (P = 0.001) , log length (P = 0.0006) , log diameter (P = 0.0006) , and log cover (P = 0.0001) positively. Sablesw eremore selective of sites for resting than fo raging in all attributes except small tree density (P=0.0003) , for which they strongly selected in term ediate type (1.21~1.82 trees/m 2,for resting. According to the results, the forest with attrbutes associated with late successional stages and the trees with large dbh (40 cm ±) shou ld be preserved properly during selective cutting.

Key words: Sables (Martes zibellina), Habitat selection, DaxinganlingMountains

摘要: 1991~1993年在大兴安岭的呼中和图强区, 采用雪地足迹跟踪法研究了紫貂(Marteszibellina) 冬季对取食和休息生境的选择特点, 结果表明紫貂喜好植被演替晚期的林型, 具体特点如下: (1)喜好中等到高等树冠盖度的乔木林地(P=0.0001) 和混合型林地(P=0.02),回避单一树种优势林地和空地。(2)对灌木盖度无选择性(P=0.09),但喜好混合型灌木林地(P=0.03)。(3) 取食时喜好下坡位及岸边, 休息时选择上坡位(P=0.009),且倒木、大胸径树和树根较多的生境, 不选择坡向(P = 0.39)。(4) 对大树密度(P = 0.0001)、落叶松基区面积(P = 0.005)、大树胸径(P = 0.0001)、落叶松胸径(P = 0.0014)、倒木全长(P= 0.000 6)、倒木直径(P=0.001 4) 及倒木覆盖面积(P = 0.0001) 都有明显的正选择性,且休息对生境的选择强于取食。对小树密度取食时喜好中等密(1121~ 1182棵/m2) 林地, 而休息时回避高密度区(1.82~3.03棵/m2)。根据上述结果建议在择伐过程中应当保留植被演替晚期的林型和胸径在40cm 左右的大树。

关键词: 紫貂, 生境选择, 大兴安岭