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SONG Yanling,ZENG Zhigao   

  • Online:2006-06-12 Published:2008-07-07



  1. 中国科学院动物研究所, 北京

Abstract: Group types of golden takin in Foping Nature Reserve were summarized from 146 groups which were either recorded by direct observationor located by radio-tracking 3 radio-collared animals (an adult male, an adult female and a 3 years sub-adult female ) in the duration from July to November, 1995 and March to August, 1996. Five categories of group types could be identified from the investigation , named family group , mixedgroup, social group, aggregating group and solitary one. Among the 146groups, family groups were counted 3- times, mixed group 15 times, social group 47 times, aggregating group-times and 50 solitary one. Familygroup was basely formed by a adult female and her offspring, calf and sub-adults, and male was not necessarily associated with. With mean size of 2.72 ±1.02 ( n = 32) family group was regarded as a core group by whichmixed, social, and aggregating groups were formed. The average group sizeof mixed group was 6.67 ±3.42 ( n = 15), and it was mainly formed by a familygroup with several individuals of sub-adults. Mixed groups were not stable, sub-adults were quite often came into and left out. Home range of t hesub-adult female was much larger than that is for the adult ones. It might indicate that sub-adults would travel between groups and develop theirsocial behavior be fore they finally be came a member in a social group. Social group was the major group type in population of takins and was formedby family and mixed groups. The mean size of social group was 16.06±5.69(n = 47), and communication between members could be expected. Appearanceof social groups was associated with activity of breeding, vertical migrating and feeding, therefore social groups could be observed in any season during the investigation. Aggregating groups was only met in open habitat in summer, they were very unstable and broken soon after. Solitary takin was very common in the study area, but the frequency of solitary one seen in breeding season was higher than that in non-breeding season.

Key words: Golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi), Group behavior, Group types

摘要: 1995 年7~11月,1996 年3~8月在陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区用野外直接观察和无线电跟踪器追踪的方法, 对秦岭羚牛( Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) 的集群类型进行了观察。工作期间共记录到羚牛146 群次, 按群体大小和结构可将羚牛群分为家群、混合群、社群、聚集群和独牛5 种类型。在野外记录到的家群共32群次, 混合群15次, 社群47次, 聚集群2次, 独牛50 次。家群的成员是具有亲缘关系的个体, 在羚牛各类型的集群中占据核心的地位,是构成其它类型的羚牛群的基本单位。混合群的成员或是以家群为核心混杂以多只亚成体组成、或全部由亚成体和性成熟不久的年轻成体组成, 是介于家群和社群之间的一种集群方式; 其形成与羚牛幼仔在成长过程中社会习性的形成和完善有关。社群是由多个家群构成的相对比较稳定的一种群体, 在各季节中出现的比例均很稳定, 是羚牛群栖的主要形式。聚集群仅见于夏季, 是临时聚集的一种不稳定的集群类型, 其形成与采食和繁殖活动有关。独牛是羚牛集群的一种特殊形式, 繁殖季节出现的频率高于非繁殖季节。

关键词: 秦岭羚牛, 集群习性, 集群类型