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FANG Shengguo, FENG Wenhe, ZHANG Anju, Li Shaochang, YU Jianqiu, HE Guangxin, FEI Lisong   

  • Online:2006-06-29 Published:2008-07-07



  1. 四川师范大学分子生物学研究所

Abstract: Using the method of labelling oligonucleotide probe JH12.6 and LZF-1 with radioactive 32p we have done the paternity determination of filial generation of artificial breeding giant pandas including 19 young babies and 25“fathers”in 14 litters by isolating DNA from hairs, blood, semina, formalin-fixed testes, excrements and urine, and the clear and high distinctive patterns of giant panda DNA fingerprints were obtained.   1.The DNA fingerprints of hairs, blood, semina, formalin-fixed testes, excrements and urine of the same giant panda are identical.   2. All the DNA hybrid bands of any filial generation farrowed down by monogamy and polyandry ( including 2, 3 and 4m ales) were observed in their parents, and the true fathers of the 19 young babies have been determined.   3.The DNA fingerprints of 10 young babies in 5 pairs of twins are highly individual-specific, and it make clear that the 5 pairs of twins be the fraternal twins. In these fraternal twins 4 babies born in 1995 in the 2 pairs of twins have their respective fathers,and it make known that the filial generations of artificial breeding giant and as have not only the fraternal twin but also the twins of half blood”. The result has provided the theoretical and applied basis for raising farrowing efficiency of female giant pandas by polyandry, mating or in seminating many times in an oestrus.   4.In the paternity determination of giant panda the method of detecting the DNA fingerprints is sensitive and stable, it has solved the fear of disturbance in the rear for the mating ways of polyandry, mating or in seminating many times in an oestrus of giant panda.   5.The oligonucleotide probe LZF-1 is better than that of JH12.6 in the paternity determination of giant panda.   

Key words: Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanileuca), DNA fingerprinting, Paternity determination, Fraternal twins, Twins of half blood

摘要: 本文以大熊猫14胎次, 19只幼子, 25只次雄兽个体的被毛、血液、精液、福尔马林固定的器官组织、粪和尿等为材料作了DNA 指纹检测。(1) 同一大熊猫个体的被毛、血液、精液、固定组织及粪、尿检测, 其DNA 指纹图完全一致。(2) 大熊猫无论1雄配1雌, 2雄配1雌、3雄配1雌, 甚至4雄配1雌, 受配雌兽所产任一子代个体的DNA 指纹图谱中, 杂交谱带均分别来自父亲、母亲, 以及父母双亲, 没有新带出现, 无误地认定了19只幼子的真正父亲, 排除了非父。(3) 3只大熊猫雌兽的5个双胞胎, 即10只子代个体的DNA 指纹图谱, 均具有个体特异性, 表明为异卵双生, 其中4个双生子为异卵异父双生, 为大熊猫在一个发情期不一定同时排卵提供了佐证, 亦为圈养雌兽发情高峰期用多只雄兽作多次配种或输精, 能提高受孕产仔率提供了理论和应用依据。(4) DNA 指纹技术用于大熊猫的亲子鉴定, 灵敏稳定, 准确无误, 为圈养大熊猫多雄配1雌, 增加受配雌兽的受孕机会, 提高产子率提供了鉴别手段, 解除了多雄配1雌,其子代的父亲是谁的后顾之忧。(5) 应用寡核苷酸探针LZF-1作大熊猫亲子鉴定较JH12.6探针更为适合。

关键词: 大熊猫, DNA 指纹, 亲子鉴定, 异卵双生, 异卵异父双生