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ZHANG Yongzu, QUAN Guoqiang, ZHAO Tigong, C.H. Southwick   

  • Online:2006-07-27 Published:2007-07-20


张荣祖, 全国强, 赵体恭, C.H.Southwick   

  1. 中国科学院地理研究所, 北京

Abstract: This Paper intends to present a summary on distribution of primates in China from a viewpoint of dynamic zoogeography,except macaques (Macaca) which has been given by a resume recently.None or very rare fossil forms of Presbytis, nycticebus and Rhinopithecus have been foundin china. The known fossil records and historically ancient-literatural information of Hylobates indicat e much wider range of the gibbon in Pleistocene and historical time.Currently,most of the primates are suffering local extirpation and thus result in shrink of range in terms of geographical distribution.

Key words: Gibbon (Hylobates), Slow loris(Nycticebus), Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus), Leaf monkey (Presbytis), Geographical distributions, historical distribution

摘要: 本文从动态动物地理学观点对中国灵长类(不包括猕猴)的分布进行了分析,提出:(1)中国灵长类自更新世时的分布呈现向南退缩的总趋势,并随气候的变迁而波动, 晚更新世向南退缩最为明显;(2)根据Jablonski等认为.我国特有种金丝猴的不连续分布,是由于青藏高原抬升的影响。作者总结了迄今所知的金丝猴生态地理分化特点.对此假说未提出异议; (3)由于除猕猴以外的我国灵长类生态上与森林环境有密切联系,而森林被破坏直接对灵长粪在我国分布区的缩小与岛状断裂影响最大,近期可能绝灭的地点甚多。

关键词: 长臂猿, 蜂猴, 金丝猴, 叶猴, 地理分布, 历史分布