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QIN Changyu   

  • Online:2006-08-09 Published:2007-09-14



  1. 宁夏回族自治区地方病防治所

Abstract: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region comprises approximately 66 400 km2 ofterritory, situated at the northern part of China,near the northwest corner of Loess plateau and the southwest border of Ortos plateau (between 104°17'-1O7°39'E, and 35°13'-39°23'N). The altitudinal range of the Autonomous Region is from 1090 to3500 m above sea leve1.The vegetation of southern Ningxia mainly consists of the montane forest-steppe,while the northern Ningxia is noted for its montane semi-desert. Hence the landscape of the southern part is completely different from that of the northern part. Since 1958, we have conducted many long-term investigations and collected many specimens of glires,Altogether 36 species of glires are found in this Region,belonging to 2 orders,7 fami1ies and 23 genera (Table 1) in which 32 species are considered as the elements of the Palaearctic Realm.In accordance with the characteristics of the faunal components and the natural environment,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region it zoogeographically considered to be of the following regions (Table 2 ,Fig. 1) 1.Province of South Ningxia loess plateau and Luipan Mountains. 1A . Prefecture of Liupan Mountains. Characterized by the species of Sciurotamias davidganus,Tamlops swintroeg,Eozapus.Microtus oeconomas,Eothenomys eva, myospalax smithi, Apodemus draco 1B:Prefecture of Loess plateauhilly land. Characterized by the species of Myopalax fontanieri 2. Province of hilly and plain lands and Helan Mountains. 2A. Prefecture of mid-Ningxia hilly and plain lands, Characterized by the species of Cricetulus eversmanni,Elloblus talpinus, Ondatra zibethicus,Rattus flavipectus 2B. Prefecture of Helan Mountains. Characterized by the species of Ochotona alpina

Key words: Glires, Zoogeography faunistics, Regionalization

摘要: 1959年以来,宁夏共发现啮齿动物36种,隶属2目 7科,23属。其中古北界种32种。根据啮齿动物的区系特点,作者将宁夏划分为2个动物地理区(I级),2个亚区(Ⅱ极),2个省(Ⅲ级)和4个州(Ⅳ级)。

关键词: 啮齿动物, 动物地理, 区系, 区划