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WEI Fuwen, RAO Gang, LI Ming,FANG Shengguo,FENG Zuojian   

  • Online:2006-05-31 Published:2008-07-07

分子粪便学及其应用———可靠性 局限性和展望

魏辅文 饶刚 李明 方盛国 冯祚建   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所

Abstract: For a long time, researches on genetic structure and variation of the endangered species have been insufficient due to their vulnerable survival conditions and difficulties of sampling by conventional methods such as destructive and invasive sampling. This problem, however, is solved to great extent by means of fecal analysis based on molecular scatology in recent years. With the combination of traditional fecal analysis and molecular technology, biologists can make further studies on free-ranging endangered species, in fields of species identification, sex determination population survey, genetic variation, behavioral ecology, phylogeography, diet, disease, home range territory size and so on without disturbing or even observing them. Although limitations have been found in the usage of molecular scatology because of facts of fecal samples, which led to the doubtable results, they have been overcome gradually with technical achievements and applications of this method in last decade. Meanwhile, the great progress of molecular scatology has also been made day by day and results inferred from it are widely accepted in the world. Therefore, it is of great potentiality to apply this method in the behavioral ecology and conservation biology of endangered species, and it will also be used in conservation genetics more and more in the future.

Key words: Molecular scatology, Noninvasive sampling, Conservation genetics, Endangered species

摘要: 由于珍稀濒危动物的种群生存状况相当脆弱,已不允许进行破坏性的取样活动,因而长期以来,对这些动物的遗传结构及遗传多样性现状的研究一直都很薄弱。而近年来以分子粪便学为基础的粪便取样分析方法,在很大程度上解决了这一问题。传统的粪便分析方法与分子生物学技术相结合,在不干扰野生动物正常活动的情况下,可对这些物种进行物种识别、性别确定、数量调查、遗传多样性、行为生态学、系统地理学、食性及疾病、巢域及分布区范围等多方面的深入研究。虽然分子粪便学由于粪便样品质量问题而具有一定的局限,从而导致其研究结果曾受到怀疑,但是该方法在近10 年的发展应用中,其局限性已逐渐被克服而日趋完善,研究结果也得到了国际上的认同。因此,今后该研究方法在珍稀濒危动物行为生态学和保护生物学等研究领域中将具有很大的发展潜力,越来越多的有关珍稀濒危动物保护遗传学的研究将采用该方法进行。

关键词: 分子粪便学, 濒危动物, 保护遗传学, 非损伤性取样法