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Analysis on wild boars home ranges in south Lesser Khingan Mountains

WANG Wen,ZHANG Jing,MA Jianzhang,LIU Haibo   

  • Online:2007-08-31 Published:2008-07-07


王文 张静 马建章 刘海波   

  1. 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,哈尔滨

Abstract: During the period between 15 July 2004 and 19 Jan. 2006 we monitored and analysed the home ranges of the wild boars (Sus scrofa ussuricua) in the south facing slopes of the mountains in Lesser Khingan,in the Northeast of China, trapping the wild boars and using wireless radio, R2V, ArcView and SPSS. Seasonal changes impact on the home ranges of the wild boars. The home ranges for the spring and autumn are greater than those for winter and no difference was found between spring and summer. Because of the heat period of the adult females in autumn and the separation of the immature males in spring home ranges increasing during those periods. Members of a family have bigger home ranges than do nonmembers. The ranges for subadult wild boars depend mainly on the families;if the family home range is big,correspondingly the ranges of subadult wild boars is big.

Key words: Lesser Khingan Mountains, Home ranges, Radio telemetry, Wild boar

摘要: 采用笼式活捕野猪,利用无线电遥测技术、R2V、Arcview 和SPSS 软件技术,于2004 年7 月15 日至2006年1 月19 日,对小兴安岭南坡野猪家域进行测定、计算和分析,以了解该地区野猪的家域变化规律。研究结果表明:季节变化影响野猪家域面积,在春、秋季,野猪的家域面积显著大于冬季,而春、夏季间无显著差异;不同性别及年龄野猪家域大小也不同,成体雄性秋季发情期和亚成体春季分窝期家域面积显著增加;在冬、春季家族群野猪的家域面积显著大于独体野猪家域面积,说明家族群对家域面积有影响;亚成体家域大小主要受家族群家域的影响,家族群野猪面积大,相应地家族野猪中亚成体家域面积也大。

关键词: 野猪, 家域, 无线电遥测, 小兴安岭