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The distribution and population dynamics of Franois’langur over the past two decades in Guizhou,China and threats to its survival


  • Online:2011-08-31 Published:2011-03-02



  1. 西华师范大学珍稀动植物研究所

Abstract: We reviewed data from published literature and unpublished governmental reports,along with the latest data from our own surveys and monitoring conducted in Guizhou,to summarize the dynamics in distribution and population,and threats to the Francois’langur (Trachypithecus francoisi)in Guizhou Province. We also provide pertinent conservation suggestions. During the past two decades,the wild population of this endangered langur increased ten to 20 percent from about 1 000 (109 groups)in 1990s to around 1 160 - 1 200 (132 - 137 groups)by 2010. In contrast,during that same period, this species has been extirpated from five of its original distribution sites in Guizhou and has become restricted to only five isolated sites (Dashahe,Baiqing,Mayanghe,Kuankuoshui and Yezhong),with a total area about 912 km2 . These five sites contain about 62% of the total wild population of Francois’langur (1 800 -2 000),and represent the last remaining stronghold of this species and thus,should be given the first conservation priority. Hunting pressure is slight with only three records taking place in the past 20 years. The main threat to the survival of the langur in Guizhou is habitat loss and
degradation in the forms of land cultivated for crops and tobacco planting firewood collection for cooking,heating,and tobacco drying along with expanding goat grazing.

Key words: Distribution shrinking, Franois’langur (Trachypithecus francoisi), Guizhou, Habitat deterioration, Population

摘要: 本文通过整理相关文献与政府报告数据并结合我们在贵州的最新调查与监测数据,总结过去20 年间黑叶猴在贵州的分布、种群变动及其所面临的主要威胁,并在此基础上提出相关的保护管理建议。贵州黑叶猴野生种群在过去20 年间增长了约10% ~ 20% :从20 世纪90 年代的约109 群1 000 只增加到现在的约132 ~ 137 群1 160 ~ 1 200只。但同期黑叶猴已从5 个原有的分布点绝迹,现仅存于大沙河、柏箐、麻阳河、宽阔水和野钟等5 个保护区,总面积约912 km2 。现有的5 个隔离分布点保存有全球黑叶猴野生种群(1 800 ~ 2 000)的约62% ,是黑叶猴物种保存的最关键地区,并应该给于保护管理的优先考虑。偷猎压力在贵州相对较小:在过去的20 年间仅有3 次偷猎的官方记录。黑叶猴在贵州所面临的主要威胁是栖息地的丧失与退化。其主要表现形式有:以农作物和烟草种植为目的的耕地扩大,以做饭、取暖以及烟叶烘烤为目的的薪材需求,以及家畜(主要是山羊)的过度放牧。

关键词: 分布萎缩, 黑叶猴, 贵州, 栖息地衰退, 种群动态