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WANG Fulin   

  1. Department of Biology, Shanxi University
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22



  1. 山西大学生物系

Abstract: The Complex-Toothed Flying Squirrel (Trogopterus xanthipes) is indigenous to China. This paper deals with its ecology as its living and habits, the changes of external morphology with ages, reproduction, growth and life-span. The observation were carried out both in field and in rearing conditions.The following results were approached.1. In January, May and August, 1981, the temperature inside the nests in cliffs was never below 10℃ in winter,and never above 26℃ in summer, the relative humidity is usually at 39-89%.2. During breeding, in a nest at house always only one squirrel, but we found two special cases:( 1 ) One family lived at the same nest-box;( 2 ) Two adult females and six young squirrels lived at the same nest -box peacefully.3. The squirrels prefer the branches of Thuja orienialis and Pinus tabulaeformis as their food.4. The first mating occurs at two years old (to be preciss, at 22 months) individuals.4-6 days after the beginning of oestrus, the external pudenda of the females change from white to damp red in colour, when the pudenda swell as large as a broad bean, the females begin to accepte mating. Pregnancy is about 78-89 days, and most of the young squirrels are born at noon or in afternoon, Litter size is 1-4,

Key words: Complex-toothed flying squirrel, Trogopterus xanthipes, Nest temperature, Eating patterns, Behaviour, External morphology, Ecology

摘要: 复齿鼯鼠(Trogopterus xanthipes Milne-Edwards)为我国特有种,其粪便即五灵脂,为中医常用药。近年来,山西、河北二省已有饲养(王福麟,1981,1981a),其饲养方法亦有报道(高士贤等,1977;单宏权等,1980),但对其生态报道甚少,本文于此加以补充。 我们自1978年9月进行了复齿鼯鼠的家、野生态观察。家养观察在3个饲养点进行,介休县榛树公社兴地大队;平定县东回公社互岭大队;灵石县小柏沟生产队。野外工作地在介休县棉山黄士湾;灵石县北大沟、石板沟。

关键词: 复齿鼯鼠, 巢温, 食性, 行为, 外部形态, 生态学