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    20 February 1990, Volume 10 Issue 1
    SHENG Helin ,ZHANG Endi, ZHU Longbiao, ZHU Shengkan, GE Yinrong, LU Haoquan
    1990, 10(1):  1-9. 
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    The studies were carried out in Huang-Huai Plain from 1984- 1986.Total 61 ,822 trap-days for rodent census were set in ei ghteen counties distributed in four provinces,namely,Jiangsu,Shandon g,Anhui and Henan Provinces; the density of fieild rodent in an area of 7,660 sq.m.was investigated by,Cathch—Removal M ethod'; 43 plots of Yellow Weasel's(Mustela sibirica)census were studies of a total area of 75.12 sq.km .distributed in eight couinies.Results were given as follows:
    1. The cause of the roden ts'damage broke out on a large scale in Huang-Huai Plain at the begginning of 1989’s was analysed.2.The number of Striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius),Striped hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) and Greater long—tailed hamster(Cricetulus triton) took up about 95 % of total number of field ro dents. 3. Themean litter Size of Striped field mouse was 5.48 indlv./litter(n=343),their reproducti-ve index in Northern Huai Plain and Southeastern Yu Plain were14.84 and 15.52,respectively; the reproductive index of Greater lon g-tailed hamster in Northern Huai Plain and southeastern Yu Plajn were 15.98 and 30.03,reproductively;the mean litter size of Striped hamster in Sothwestern Lu Plajn was 6.26(n=365), its reproductive index was 8.89.4.The density of harmful rodent reached up to 7963 in div./sp.km.The average density of Yellow weasel which is the predator of harmful rodent was 0.944±0.65 indiv./sq.km in brceding season and 2.68±0.93 indiv./sq.km in early winter;in the rodents' non- breeding season,weasel had some impacts in declining rodents’densities therefore the overall impact of harmful rodents’natural predators spec-ies (including owls, domestic cats, leopard cats and snakes,etc.) should be attached importance to. 5. The studies on the methods and measures of rodent control operation in Huang-Huai Plain durin g the late August through early September should be prompted.
    LI Guihui,ZHENG Shengwu, SONG Shiying
    1990, 10(1):  10-18. 
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    The population ecology of the sand bad ger (Arctonyx collaris) wsa studied from May,1984 to June,1985 in Long County.A total of 108 specimens were obtained, among which 52 were males and 56 females.Taking width of the crista sagittali s as the age criteria (Fi g.1),the samples were divided into four age groups.
    Group 1.Juvenile:The erista saglttalis width of males and females are 30.71 0± 3.650,29.019± 2.625mm respectively.The limits of the age groups are 25.54 and 26.00m m .
    Group 2. subadult:The crista sagittalis width of males and females are 20.699±3.647, 19.643± 3.346mm respectively.The liraits of the age groups are 1 5.53- 25.54, l3.89— 26.001mm .
    Group 3.Adults:The crista sagittalis width of males and females are 10.027±3.181, 8.961±2.947mm respecfvely.The limits of the age groups are 3.15-15.53,5.73-13.89mm.
    G roup 4. Senior:The crista sagittalis width of males and females are becoming 2.869± 1.131, 3.005± 0.846mm. The 1imits of the age groups are 1.74-3.15, 1.93-5.73mm .
    It is clear th at the sku1l of the animal shows a gonsiderable range of age varlati-on in age groups 1-3.
    The hog-badget population in different age groups varies with di ferent seasons.Peak of nubmer juvenile occurred in June,subaduIt in Apr.,adult in Sep.and senior in May and Nov. The seasonal difference in age distribution of the hog-badger population is obv-ious.The total sex ratio is 52 males to 56 females.There is only one litter in a year from Feb.to May.The average litter size is 4.1 young,varying from two to six.The
    yearling young,i.e.,group l are usually sexually inmaturet group 2 are only part′y matuetthe other two gzoups are members in reproduction.
    CHEN Zhiping,LIU Ruiqing, WANG Yingxiang
    1990, 10(1):  19-22. 
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    The karyotype of Martes flaviguga,captured from the west of Yunnan,has been studied from chromosome preparations of cuIture fibrob1astes and bone marrow cells.The number of diploid chromosome is 40.Autosomes consist of 5 pairs of metaeentri-cs,7 pairs of submetacentries,4 pairs of subteloeentries and 3 pairs of tetocentrics.X is a m etaeentrie chroinosome.
    The G-banded,C-banded and silver-stained karyotypes have been observed.The results show that the centromerlc distribution of heteroehromatin is demonstrated in al1 chromosomes except one chromsome of No.14.No.1 9 and the Iong arms of No.8 are
    completely C-band positive.The termina。of No.11 and No.1 3 chromosomes is with heterochro matin.A g-NORs are located at the secondary constriction of No.1 5.
    By means of eomparing M.flavigula with M.foina,M.mattes and Mustela sibir-ica in G-banded,C-banded and silved-stained karyotypes,we think that M. flargula should be a subgenas of Martes,moreover,M.flavigula is a spcclalized species.
    JI Weihong,CHEN Fuguan
    1990, 10(1):  23-30. 
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    On the basis of the principle that distribution of speeies is related with specific geographical environment,we divided China into 55 sinall regions aecording to the difference of geomorphy and climate.By analysing the relation of the total of speeies and the main environmental factors n each small region.we get conclution s as folio-wing.
    The species den sity of chiroptera is related to temperature humidity,elevatio and geomorphy ete.The main factor that affeete the species den sity is different in various region:It is mainly restricted by temperature in monsoon region; humidity and eleva-tion in Qin ghai-Xizang region ;humidity in the east of Mengxin reglen; but the den-sityof human population is the main restricted factor in the west of Mon go-Xinjiang region.
    ZHOU Wenyang,DOU Fengman
    1990, 10(1):  31-39. 
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    This Work was carried out at Haibei Research Station of Alpine Meadow Eeosys-tem from 1986 to 1988. Plateau Zokor ,a fossoria1 rodent,ranging in the northwest
    China,lives underground in all its life.By grazing and digging ,the zokor causes great damages in grassland, field and forestland.But so far an effective method to study ecology,behavior,and control of plateau zokor has been lacking.Radiotelemetry has been used in this work.100 animals were monitored by transmitters for studying on the home range and activity rhythm of the zokor .The mainly results were approached.
    1.Zokors are polyphasic in daily rhythm.They are active both in the daytime and at night.Although the zokor lives underground in dark,its activity is obviously in circadian rhythm .In summcr and autumn,two peaks of aetivity appeared during 15:00 to 22:00 (65.3 % of a day) and 0:00 to 7:00 (21.6 of a day),respectively. In spring.for the soil thawing in the afternoon,activity of the zokor is coneentrleal from 12:00 to 22 :00 (79.7 of a day). In general,activity of the zokor at night is more than that in the daytime.
    2. Zokors are active throughout the day with activity periods interspersed with rest. a greater part of time stay at nest,for example,100% of daily time is at nest in winter,90%of daily time at nest for females at nurse,and 75% of daily time is at nest during spring and autumn.Zokors at nest is not only for sleeping and resting,but for eating,excreting,nest building,body cleanthg,giving birth,suckling,ect.
    3. Zokors begin to eopulate in April.During this time males are especially ective.Adult male and female are not cohabitants even in reproduetive period,the matings occur at a tunnel cross of the male and female in a short time,after mating,they separate from each other.
    4. Activity of the zokor above ground has been found not only in summer,but also in autumn,such phenomenon is often at night.For short of foods underground in Summer,zokors may go to the ground to feed on aboveground vegetation,especially the young.Autumn is the most important season for population dispersion .In this time,most of the males and the youn g will leave their burrow systems for dispersion on the ground.The distance of dispersion is about 200m and a maximum is over 1km.Such result would tend to increase population disperdon throughout the local habitat
    and would provide a source for newly available habitat.
    5. Zokors are living in solitude.Adult male and fema!e occupy seperate home range.In the population the number of females are more than males.Along with different season,th e home range is quite variable.For males the home range is in spring> in autumn > in summer > in winter,and for females the home range is in autumn > in summer > in spring > in winter .Home range of males is larger than that of females.The male has the largest home range (1625m2) and the longest tunnel(226m) in mating period.The female has the largest home range (574 m2) during foods collecting season .
    WANG Dehua, WANG Zuwang
    1990, 10(1):  40-53. 
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    This work Was carried out at Haibcei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station of Menyuan.Qinghai Province,with an altitude of about 3200 meters (Lat.37°29′-37°45′N ,Long.101°12′ - 101°33′),from May 1987 to April 1988.Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae )androot vole (Microtus oecottomus)were live-trapped everymonth in the Kobresia humilis meadow and potenlilla fruticosa shrub respectively.The norepinephrine stimulated nonshivering thermogenesis(NE—NST)were both measured at 25℃ and l5℃ .The seasonal variations in NST capacity and the relationship between NST and brown adipose tissue (BAT) were analyzed in both species,and the adaptive survival strategies for those living in a cold and high altitude environment were discussed also The main results obtained are as follows:
    1.The NE-NST was expressed in three forms:the maximum metabolic response to NE (NSTmax ),the absolute increase in Oxygen consumption (NSTmax -RMR),and the percentage of RMR ( %RMR).The seasonal change patterns of the three forms are both simi1ar at 25℃ and l5℃ in M .Oeconomus.The lowest value occurred in summer(25℃,NSTmax :19.0mlO2/g0.73 h,NSTmax -RMR:7.2mlO2/g0.73 h,%RMR:64% and 15℃,19.2mlO2/g0.73. h, 4.5mlO2/g0.73 · h,31% respectively),and the highest in winter (January) (25℃,27.0mlO2/g0.73.h,17.9mlO 2/g0.73·h,216%, and 15℃,28.5mlO2/g0.73 ·
    h.14.2 mlC 2/g0.73 h,111%,respectively).NSTmaxmaintained high level all year in 0.curzoniae at 25℃,but showed a significant ircrease in December at 15℃.However,when NST expressed in other two farms the seasonal change patterns are similar to that 0f M .Oeconomus at both 25℃ and 15℃. The lowest value was seen in August(25℃ ,3.7mlO 2/g0.73.h,47%; and 15℃,2.6mlO 2/g0.73.h,26%,respectively),and reach the peak in December (25℃, 6.2miO 2/g0.73·h.125% ; and 15℃,5.8m102/g0.73·h,67%,respectively). The seasonal variations of NST are inversely related tothemouthly average air temperatures in both species at 25℃ and 15℃ .
    2.There is a significant direct relatienship between NST and EAT
    . During the reduced food availability and increased cold winter。with the increasingin relative weight of BAT,mitochondria size of BATcell and cristae numbers of mitochondria ,the capacity of NE-NST increased also in both O.curzoniae and M .ceconomus
    3.A general adaptive strategies to winter for nonhibernating small mammals at Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem incorporate many behavioral,physiological and morpho-anatomical adaptations including:huddling for reduced heat 1oss,decreased activity-and body weight during periods of cold,increased thermogenic capacity due to NST with resultant hypertrophy of BAT and minimized thermal conductance by increasing hair density and length in winter,and so on.Animalcan utilize a variety of combinations of these factors in adjusting to cold season.
    WU Xiaodong
    1990, 10(1):  54-59. 
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    This work on Brandt 's vole, Microtus brandti, was carried out at Amugulcng, Xinbarhuznoqi, Inner Mongolia from April to October in 1985.The data were collected mainly by mark and release trapping.A total of 2786 individuals were marked.The analysing results were as follows: 1.There are apparent seasonal changes in population age composition. In early spring most in dividuals the population are overwintering adults, weighting 21- 30 grams. 2.The average daily growth rate of the young vole decreased with time from spring to autumn,its regression equation is LgY=0.9312-0.8317LgX. 3. The seasonal migration of the vole is apparent.The ditch is its optimal habitat.The voles emigrate from the ditch outwards after reproduction in spring and immigrated backwards in autumn.
    WANG Xuegao
    1990, 10(1):  60-65. 
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    Pattern of copulation behavior in marked population of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae ) were studied for a 4-year period,1985-1988 at Heimahe Town by Qinghai Lake.The breeding period might be divided into 3-5 mating seasons,and the numbers of which differ from year to year.The male copulated with the female occurred at the activity centers of the female on the ground.Courtship behavior of the male pika might closely follow the female, male pika initiated making mouth to mouth, mouth to nose, ornose to nose contact with the female.sniffed the female s buttocks and genital region ("Cloaca"),and occurred multiple mounting with front feet moving from side to side on the back region of the female within the same family group,but courtship behavior among intruded males were not occurred.Posture assumed during copulation,the male used his upper 1imbs to grip the female's waist.The female also displayed a complex pattern of species typical sexual behavior that as nature of the receptive posture displays "Lordosis" and genital reflection.A single pelvis deep thrusting can attain ejaculation and then does dismount at once.There appears to be no lock.A number of pelvis thrusting may precede intronission and serves to locate the vagina, pelvic thrusting occur at rate of about 1-2 per second,thrusting stops once the intromission is achieved.Ejaculation is attained on a single intromission that it last less than 1 second.Per copulation is quite rapid,lasting from 3 to 5 seconds.Multiple ejaculations are common.Multiple ejaculations occurs, from 10 A.M .to 8 P.M .and most of them were 8 times in a day,a single male might copulate with a female 3 times with in an hour.From the beginning of the second mating season, the female was found to be copulating right at the eveof the parturition..
    LI Xinmin, DUAN Quanhong
    1990, 10(1):  71-74. 
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    This study is based on 20 complete skeletons of the Ochotona belonging to 2 species,one is Ochotona pallasi and another is Ochotona daurica.The vertebral columns,thoraces and the scapulas between the two species are remarkably different in many respects.Examination shows that:
    1.The number of the thoracales in Ochotona pallasi is 16—18,but that in 0.daurica is always eighteen. Length of thoracales in the former is longer than that in the latter.2.Length of the cervicales in the O.pallasi is shorter than that of O.daurica.
    3.There are 17 pairs of costae in the former ;while the latter have 16 pairs.4.In the former,width of the apeituia thoracis caudalis is two point five(2.5) times as much at length of the apeituia thoracis caudalis while in the latter,one point seven(1.7).
    5.Length of clavicula of O.pallasi is longer than that of 0 .daurica.