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赵亚军, 房继明 , 孙儒泳   

  1. 北京师范大学生物系
  • 出版日期:2006-06-27 发布日期:2008-07-07


ZHAO Yajun, FANG liming, SUN Ruyong   

  • Online:2006-06-27 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 从社会组织的生态格局、熟悉性、社会等级和交配近况等择偶行为的影响因子,性二型和雄性射精能力等个体特征,配对关系的神经内分泌机制几方面综述了田鼠属动物婚配制度的研究进展,同时从生态学、比较心理学、生理学、神经生物学等方面探讨择偶行为研究范式的特点。生态学方法揭示,田鼠属动物具有完整的婚配制度多样性格局,是婚配制度比较研究的理想哺乳动物类群。运用比较心理学方法,通过择偶行为实验可直接比较单配制与混交制田鼠,因而产生了田鼠婚配制度比较研究的二元论。这种流行的二元论择偶实验方法目前尚不能应用到2种多配制及3种婚配制度的比较研究中。当前呈现的热门趋势是探讨单配性草原田鼠配对关系的神经内分泌机制,这集中在加压素、催产素和糖皮质激素对社交行为的调节作用上。这些激素如何相互作用来整合地调节草原田鼠的社交行为则有待于进一步研究。

关键词: 田鼠属动物, 婚配制度, 熟悉性, 社会等级, 性二型, 雄性射精能力, 研究范式

Abstract: The proceeding of mating system studies in voles were reviewed, based on the ecological patterns of social organization factors affecting mate choice, sexual dimorphisms male ejaculatory capacity neuroendocrinological mechanism for social pair bonding. Various study paradigms of mating systems in voles were also introduced, with methodological aspects including of ecology comparative psychology physiology and neurobiology. First, ecologists have discovered that the voles represent a group of closely related species with contrasting patterns of social organization and provide integrate diversity of mating systems: monogamy polygyny polyandry and promiscuity. Second, ethologists,using approaches of comparative psychology have established mating systems as association with mate choices among inldividuals by familiarity,social dominant rank, and recency of mating by potential mate.The association was limited to a comparison between monogamous and promiscuous vole species. And the association based onthe dichotomous comparison has not beenexamined among monogamous ,polygynous and promiscuous vole species. The dichotomy was so prevailing in the past that the research of relationship between mate choice and mating systems in voles was incomprehensive.Thrid, neurobiologist,collaborating with behavioral ecologists ,has found that prairie vole is an excellect model system for the neurobiological bases of pair bonding in monogamy, suggesting that two neuropeptide hormones,vasopressin and oxytocin ,and adrenal glucocorticoid with their pathways in the central nervous system appear to influence pair bonding and various aspects affiliation in monogamous voles, Exactly how these hormones interact and integrally affect social behavior remains to be fined, as do theirroles in the non-monogamousvole species.

Key words: Voles, Mating systems, Familiarity, Dominant rank, Sexual dimorphisms, Male ejaculatory capacity, Study paradigms