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林统先, 曾缙祥   

  1. 天津师范大学生物学系
  • 出版日期:2011-11-23 发布日期:2011-11-22


LIN Tongxian, ZENG Jinxiang   

  1. Department of Biology, Tianjin Normal University
  • Online:2011-11-23 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 1.用30毫克/公斤·日和50毫克/公斤·日棉酚饲喂褐家鼠6周,合笼交配结果表明,不仅雄性产生不育,雌性也产生不孕。 2.形态学观察,与对照组相比,棉酚主要损伤曲细精小管内精子、精子细胞和精母细胞,同时管壁萎缩、变形并明显变薄。雌性卵巢重量有所下降,形态基本正常,但子宫粘膜萎缩变薄,腺体数目显著减少。 3.由器官系数测定可知,50毫克组的雄雌褐家鼠与对照组相比,除雄性肾上腺外,其它器官都有明显的差异。

关键词: 醋酸棉酚, 抗生育, 褐家鼠, 冷库

Abstract: 1. The healthy male and female rats were selected for this experiment. The fed doses of gossypol acetic acid were 30mg/kg·day and 50mg/kg·dy for 6 weeks. The results of cage cross showed that the males were infertility and the females were not pregnancy (anti-implantation).2. The morphological examinations indicated that gossypol caused testicular lesion in contrast with that of the control group. Spermatozoa, spermatid and spermatocytesin seminiferous tubules were mainly damaged. At the same time, the walls of seminiferous tubules became atrophy, deformities and thin obviously.The morphological changes were not noticed in females while the weight of ovaries decreased, but mucous layers of the uterus became atrophy and thin, numbers of the glands decreased obviously.3. The measurement of organ coefficients of the male and the female rats indicated that organs in 50mg groups made a great difference in contrast with those of control groups except adrenal glands of the male rats. Only the livers, pituitary glands andspleens of the male rats in 30mg groups made significant difference.4. The results described above showed that gossypol acted on male and female rats as anti-fertile and had an obvious effect on pest control of the cold storage.

Key words: Gossypol acetic acid, Anti-fertility, Rattus norvegicus, Cold Storage