兽类学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 687-697.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150692
杨新根1,2, 王艳龙3, 邹波1, 常文英1, 侯玉1, 赵悠悠4, 王庭林1(), 张健旭5,6()
杨新根 (1974- ),男,副研究员,主要从事啮齿动物研究.
Xingen YANG1,2, Yanlong WANG3, Bo ZOU1, Wenying CHANG1, Yu HOU1, Youyou ZHAO4, Tinglin WANG1(), Jianxu ZHANG5,6()
Tinglin WANG,Jianxu ZHANG
维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合物亚基 1基因 (Vkorc1) 的变异与啮齿动物对抗凝血灭鼠剂的抗药性密切相关。为掌握Vkorc1基因变异在野栖类和家栖类啮齿动物中的流行情况,从山西省13个县 (市、区) 的农田和14个县 (市、区) 的养殖场采样,检测长尾仓鼠 (Cricetulus longicaudatus) 和黄胸鼠 (Rattus tanezumi) Vkorc1基因编码区的变异位点及携带不同变异位点的个体的分布情况。结果显示,长尾仓鼠在13个采样地均有捕获,整体占野栖类啮齿动物的23.29%;黄胸鼠分布于8个采样地,整体占家栖类啮齿动物的68.63%。在长尾仓鼠样本 (n = 105) 中检测到6个沉默突变位点和5个错义突变位点,其中,沉默突变C438T (His146His) 的变异率最高,为67.62%;共有17只长尾仓鼠样本存在错义突变位点。黄胸鼠样本 (n = 70) 中存在6个沉默突变位点和1个错义突变位点,其中,最常见的沉默突变位点A321C (Ile107Ile) 和T411C (Thr137Thr) 的变异率均达到18.57%;8只黄胸鼠样本存在与其抗药性相关的A416G (Tyr139Cys) 错义突变,其中7只来源于太原市小店区 (XID),变异率为35.00%。本研究表明在家居和自然环境中均存在Vkorc1基因的变异,并在太原市小店区检测到黄胸鼠抗性种群的存在,需加强对此种群的监测。
杨新根, 王艳龙, 邹波, 常文英, 侯玉, 赵悠悠, 王庭林, 张健旭. 不同栖息环境的两种啮齿动物Vkorc1基因多态性[J]. 兽类学报, 2022, 42(6): 687-697.
Xingen YANG, Yanlong WANG, Bo ZOU, Wenying CHANG, Yu HOU, Youyou ZHAO, Tinglin WANG, Jianxu ZHANG. Vkorc1 polymorphism of two rodent species in different habitats[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 42(6): 687-697.
样本采集地 Sampling sites | 采样生境 Sampling habitats | 地理位置 Geographic coordinates | 海拔 Elevation (m) |
运城市永济市 Yongji City, Yuncheng City (YOJ) | A | 110.43°E, 34.86°N | 392 |
晋城市陵川县 Lingchuan County, Jincheng City (LIC) | A,B | 113.27°E, 35.74°N | 1 080 |
临汾市洪洞县 Hongtong County, Linfen City (HOT) | C | 111.59°E, 36.25°N | 450 |
临汾市隰县 Xi County, Linfen City (XIX) | A,D | 110.85°E, 36.50°N | 1 020 |
临汾市永和县 Yonghe County, Linfen City (YOH) | D | 110.63°E, 36.76°N | 890 |
长治市沁县 Qin County, Changzhi City (QNX) | A,B | 112.69°E, 36.74°N | 1 140 |
晋中市左权县 Zuoquan County, Jinzhong City (ZOQ) | A,C | 113.31°E, 37.05°N | 1 080 |
晋中市祁县 Qi County, Jinzhong City (QIX) | A | 112.31°E, 37.35°N | 770 |
吕梁市中阳县 Zhongyang County, Lvliang City (ZHY) | B | 111.17°E, 37.36°N | 1 450 |
吕梁市离石区 Lishi District, Lvliang City (LIS) | A,B | 111.98°E, 37.52°N | 1 230 |
太原市小店区 Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City (XID) | C | 113.27°E, 37.80°N | 780 |
太原市娄烦县 Loufan County, Taiyuan City (LOF) | A,C | 111.86°E, 38.05°N | 1 320 |
太原市阳曲县 Yangqu County, Taiyuan City (YAQ) | B | 112.67°E, 38.29°N | 800 |
阳泉市盂县 Yu County, Yangquan City (YUX) | C,E | 113.35°E, 37.71°N | 1 250 |
忻州市静乐县 Jingle County, Xinzhou City (JNL) | B | 111.95°E, 38.39°N | 1 260 |
忻州市五台县 Wutai County, Xinzhou City (WUT) | C,E | 113.20°E, 38.64°N | 1 060 |
朔州市朔城区 Shuocheng District, Shuozhou City (SOC) | C | 112.30°E, 39.11°N | 1 140 |
大同市浑源县 Hunyuan County, Datong City (HNY) | C,E | 113.96°E, 39.85°N | 1 550 |
表1 样本采集地概况
Table 1 The collecting details of sample sites
样本采集地 Sampling sites | 采样生境 Sampling habitats | 地理位置 Geographic coordinates | 海拔 Elevation (m) |
运城市永济市 Yongji City, Yuncheng City (YOJ) | A | 110.43°E, 34.86°N | 392 |
晋城市陵川县 Lingchuan County, Jincheng City (LIC) | A,B | 113.27°E, 35.74°N | 1 080 |
临汾市洪洞县 Hongtong County, Linfen City (HOT) | C | 111.59°E, 36.25°N | 450 |
临汾市隰县 Xi County, Linfen City (XIX) | A,D | 110.85°E, 36.50°N | 1 020 |
临汾市永和县 Yonghe County, Linfen City (YOH) | D | 110.63°E, 36.76°N | 890 |
长治市沁县 Qin County, Changzhi City (QNX) | A,B | 112.69°E, 36.74°N | 1 140 |
晋中市左权县 Zuoquan County, Jinzhong City (ZOQ) | A,C | 113.31°E, 37.05°N | 1 080 |
晋中市祁县 Qi County, Jinzhong City (QIX) | A | 112.31°E, 37.35°N | 770 |
吕梁市中阳县 Zhongyang County, Lvliang City (ZHY) | B | 111.17°E, 37.36°N | 1 450 |
吕梁市离石区 Lishi District, Lvliang City (LIS) | A,B | 111.98°E, 37.52°N | 1 230 |
太原市小店区 Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City (XID) | C | 113.27°E, 37.80°N | 780 |
太原市娄烦县 Loufan County, Taiyuan City (LOF) | A,C | 111.86°E, 38.05°N | 1 320 |
太原市阳曲县 Yangqu County, Taiyuan City (YAQ) | B | 112.67°E, 38.29°N | 800 |
阳泉市盂县 Yu County, Yangquan City (YUX) | C,E | 113.35°E, 37.71°N | 1 250 |
忻州市静乐县 Jingle County, Xinzhou City (JNL) | B | 111.95°E, 38.39°N | 1 260 |
忻州市五台县 Wutai County, Xinzhou City (WUT) | C,E | 113.20°E, 38.64°N | 1 060 |
朔州市朔城区 Shuocheng District, Shuozhou City (SOC) | C | 112.30°E, 39.11°N | 1 140 |
大同市浑源县 Hunyuan County, Datong City (HNY) | C,E | 113.96°E, 39.85°N | 1 550 |
图1 长尾仓鼠和黄胸鼠采集地及样本占比 (山西省). A:长尾仓鼠;B:黄胸鼠. 图中采集地使用缩写,全称见表1. “×” 表示未捕获到黄胸鼠的采集地;饼状图表示样本在啮齿动物群落中的占比,红色表示长尾仓鼠,蓝色表示黄胸鼠,白色表示其他啮齿动物
Fig. 1 The sampling sites and proportions of samples (Shanxi Province). A: Cricetulus longicaudatus; B: Ruttus tanezumi. Abbreviations are used for collection sites, see table 1 for collection sites. ‘×’ represent the sites that R. tanezumi was not captured; pie charts represent the proportions of samples, red for C. longicaudatus, blue for R. tanezumi, and white for other species
样本 Samples | 引物名称 Primer names | 引物序列 (5′‒3′) Primer sequences (5′‒3′) | PCR产物大小 Size of PCR products (bp) | 目标外显子 Target exons |
长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | C.l.-Vk1/F/e1-2 | AGAATGGCAGCCGAGGCGGGTCAACCTTC | 约1 300 | 1,2 |
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | R.t.-Vk1/F/e1-2 | GTTTACCAGCCCAGCATTCCTAGCTGTCA | 约 1 400 | 1,2 |
表2 长尾仓鼠和黄胸鼠Vkorc1基因编码区的特异性引物序列
Table 2 Specific primer sequences for the coding regions of Vkorc1 of Cricetulus longicaudatus and Ruttus tanezumi
样本 Samples | 引物名称 Primer names | 引物序列 (5′‒3′) Primer sequences (5′‒3′) | PCR产物大小 Size of PCR products (bp) | 目标外显子 Target exons |
长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | C.l.-Vk1/F/e1-2 | AGAATGGCAGCCGAGGCGGGTCAACCTTC | 约1 300 | 1,2 |
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | R.t.-Vk1/F/e1-2 | GTTTACCAGCCCAGCATTCCTAGCTGTCA | 约 1 400 | 1,2 |
样本采集地 Sampling sites | 采样生境 Sampling habitats | 布夹 (笼) 数 Number of clips (cages) | 捕获数 Number of captures | 捕获率 Capture rate (%) | 啮齿动物占比 Proportions of rodents (%) | ||
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | 长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | 其他啮齿动物 Others | |||||
YOJ | A | 200 | 10 | 5.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | |
LIC | B | 450 | 41 | 9.11 | 12.20 | 87.80 | |
A | 180 | 13 | 7.22 | 76.92 | 23.08 | ||
HOT | C | 200 | 9 | 4.50 | 77.78 | 22.22 | |
XIX | D | 440 | 65 | 14.77 | 13.85 | 86.15 | |
A | 240 | 3 | 1.25 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
YOH | D | 400 | 38 | 9.50 | 21.05 | 78.95 | |
QNX | B | 450 | 43 | 9.56 | 25.58 | 74.42 | |
A | 210 | 10 | 4.76 | 90.00 | 10.00 | ||
ZOQ | B | 425 | 41 | 9.65 | 21.95 | 78.05 | |
C | 160 | 2 | 1.25 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
QIX | A | 210 | 8 | 3.81 | 75.00 | 25.00 | |
ZHY | B | 450 | 34 | 7.56 | 32.35 | 67.65 | |
LIS | B | 540 | 37 | 6.85 | 21.62 | 78.38 | |
A | 330 | 10 | 3.03 | 70.00 | 30.00 | ||
XID | C | 750 | 23 | 3.07 | 86.96 | 13.04 | |
LOF | B | 440 | 34 | 7.73 | 32.35 | 67.65 | |
C | 200 | 1 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
YAQ | B | 550 | 42 | 7.64 | 26.19 | 73.81 | |
YUX | E | 400 | 29 | 7.25 | 34.48 | 65.52 | |
C | 160 | 1 | 0.63 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
JNL | B | 440 | 42 | 9.55 | 19.04 | 80.96 | |
WUT | E | 400 | 36 | 9.00 | 30.56 | 69.44 | |
C | 460 | 9 | 1.96 | 66.67 | 33.33 | ||
SOC | C | 270 | 2 | 0.74 | 0.00 | 100 | |
HNY | E | 420 | 29 | 6.90 | 24.14 | 75.86 | |
C | 270 | 1 | 0.37 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
合计 Total | 9 665 | 613 |
表3 啮齿动物捕获率及样本占比
Table 3 The sampling sites and the trapping details of rodents
样本采集地 Sampling sites | 采样生境 Sampling habitats | 布夹 (笼) 数 Number of clips (cages) | 捕获数 Number of captures | 捕获率 Capture rate (%) | 啮齿动物占比 Proportions of rodents (%) | ||
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | 长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | 其他啮齿动物 Others | |||||
YOJ | A | 200 | 10 | 5.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | |
LIC | B | 450 | 41 | 9.11 | 12.20 | 87.80 | |
A | 180 | 13 | 7.22 | 76.92 | 23.08 | ||
HOT | C | 200 | 9 | 4.50 | 77.78 | 22.22 | |
XIX | D | 440 | 65 | 14.77 | 13.85 | 86.15 | |
A | 240 | 3 | 1.25 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
YOH | D | 400 | 38 | 9.50 | 21.05 | 78.95 | |
QNX | B | 450 | 43 | 9.56 | 25.58 | 74.42 | |
A | 210 | 10 | 4.76 | 90.00 | 10.00 | ||
ZOQ | B | 425 | 41 | 9.65 | 21.95 | 78.05 | |
C | 160 | 2 | 1.25 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
QIX | A | 210 | 8 | 3.81 | 75.00 | 25.00 | |
ZHY | B | 450 | 34 | 7.56 | 32.35 | 67.65 | |
LIS | B | 540 | 37 | 6.85 | 21.62 | 78.38 | |
A | 330 | 10 | 3.03 | 70.00 | 30.00 | ||
XID | C | 750 | 23 | 3.07 | 86.96 | 13.04 | |
LOF | B | 440 | 34 | 7.73 | 32.35 | 67.65 | |
C | 200 | 1 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
YAQ | B | 550 | 42 | 7.64 | 26.19 | 73.81 | |
YUX | E | 400 | 29 | 7.25 | 34.48 | 65.52 | |
C | 160 | 1 | 0.63 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
JNL | B | 440 | 42 | 9.55 | 19.04 | 80.96 | |
WUT | E | 400 | 36 | 9.00 | 30.56 | 69.44 | |
C | 460 | 9 | 1.96 | 66.67 | 33.33 | ||
SOC | C | 270 | 2 | 0.74 | 0.00 | 100 | |
HNY | E | 420 | 29 | 6.90 | 24.14 | 75.86 | |
C | 270 | 1 | 0.37 | 0.00 | 100 | ||
合计 Total | 9 665 | 613 |
样本 Samples | 样本数 Number of samples | 变异类型 Mutation types | 核苷酸变异 Nucleotide mutations | 氨基酸变异 Amino acid mutations | 外显子 Exons | 携带变异位点个体数 Number of samples with mutations* | 变异率 Mutation rate (%) |
长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | 105 | 沉默突变 Silent mutation | G78A(C) | Ala26Ala | 1 | 16 (LIC1, QNX5, ZOQ1, ZHY2,LOF5, YUX1, JNL1) | 15.24 |
G135A | Val45Val | 1 | 9 (LIC3, XIX1, ZOQ1, ZHY1,YAQ1, HNY2) | 8.57 | |||
C159A | Arg53Arg | 1 | 11 (ZHY2, LIS2, YAQ4, YUX3) | 10.48 | |||
C222T | Ser74Ser | 2 | 10 (LIC5, XIX1, ZOQ1, ZHY1,HNY2) | 9.52 | |||
C342T | Phe114Phe | 3 | 30 (LIC1, QNX5, ZOQ3, ZHY1, LIS1, LOF4, YUX4, JNL5, WUT6) | 28.57 | |||
C438T | His146His | 3 | 71 (LIC3, XIX8, YOH5, QNX2, ZOQ5, ZHY8, LIS7, LOF4, YAQ8, YUX4, JNL5, WUT6, HNY6) | 67.62 | |||
错义突变 Missense mutation | C8T | Thr3Ile | 1 | 9 (LIC3, ZOQ1, ZHY1, LOF1,YAQ1, HNY2) | 8.57 | ||
G106A | Asp36Asn | 1 | 3 (LIC1, ZOQ1, LOF1) | 2.86 | |||
A203G | His68Arg | 2 | 10 (LIC5, XIX1, ZOQ1,ZHY1,HNY2) | 9.52 | |||
A203T | His68Leu | 2 | 2 (XIX2) | 1.90 | |||
G346A | Gly116Ser | 3 | 1 (YUX1) | 0.95 | |||
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | 70 | 沉默突变 Silent mutation | A36G | Arg12Arg | 1 | 11 (HOT1, LIS5, XID3, WUT2) | 15.71 |
G123A | Ala41Ala | 1 | 4 (QIX2, XID2) | 5.71 | |||
T204C | His68His | 2 | 8 (HOT1, LIS5, XID1, WUT1) | 11.43 | |||
A246T | Ile82Ile | 2 | 3 (QIX1, XID2) | 4.29 | |||
A321C | Ile107Ile | 3 | 13 (HOT1, QIX2, LIS5, XID3, WUT2) | 18.57 | |||
T411C | Thr137Thr | 3 | 13 (HOT1, QIX2, LIS5,XID3,WUT2) | 18.57 | |||
错义突变 Missense mutation | A416G | Tyr139Cys | 3 | 8 (QIX1, XID7) | 11.43 |
表4 长尾仓鼠和黄胸鼠Vkorc1编码区变异位点
Table 4 The mutation positions in coding regions of Vkorc1 gene of Cricetulus longicaudatus and Ruttus tanezumi
样本 Samples | 样本数 Number of samples | 变异类型 Mutation types | 核苷酸变异 Nucleotide mutations | 氨基酸变异 Amino acid mutations | 外显子 Exons | 携带变异位点个体数 Number of samples with mutations* | 变异率 Mutation rate (%) |
长尾仓鼠 Cricetulus longicaudatus | 105 | 沉默突变 Silent mutation | G78A(C) | Ala26Ala | 1 | 16 (LIC1, QNX5, ZOQ1, ZHY2,LOF5, YUX1, JNL1) | 15.24 |
G135A | Val45Val | 1 | 9 (LIC3, XIX1, ZOQ1, ZHY1,YAQ1, HNY2) | 8.57 | |||
C159A | Arg53Arg | 1 | 11 (ZHY2, LIS2, YAQ4, YUX3) | 10.48 | |||
C222T | Ser74Ser | 2 | 10 (LIC5, XIX1, ZOQ1, ZHY1,HNY2) | 9.52 | |||
C342T | Phe114Phe | 3 | 30 (LIC1, QNX5, ZOQ3, ZHY1, LIS1, LOF4, YUX4, JNL5, WUT6) | 28.57 | |||
C438T | His146His | 3 | 71 (LIC3, XIX8, YOH5, QNX2, ZOQ5, ZHY8, LIS7, LOF4, YAQ8, YUX4, JNL5, WUT6, HNY6) | 67.62 | |||
错义突变 Missense mutation | C8T | Thr3Ile | 1 | 9 (LIC3, ZOQ1, ZHY1, LOF1,YAQ1, HNY2) | 8.57 | ||
G106A | Asp36Asn | 1 | 3 (LIC1, ZOQ1, LOF1) | 2.86 | |||
A203G | His68Arg | 2 | 10 (LIC5, XIX1, ZOQ1,ZHY1,HNY2) | 9.52 | |||
A203T | His68Leu | 2 | 2 (XIX2) | 1.90 | |||
G346A | Gly116Ser | 3 | 1 (YUX1) | 0.95 | |||
黄胸鼠 Ruttus tanezumi | 70 | 沉默突变 Silent mutation | A36G | Arg12Arg | 1 | 11 (HOT1, LIS5, XID3, WUT2) | 15.71 |
G123A | Ala41Ala | 1 | 4 (QIX2, XID2) | 5.71 | |||
T204C | His68His | 2 | 8 (HOT1, LIS5, XID1, WUT1) | 11.43 | |||
A246T | Ile82Ile | 2 | 3 (QIX1, XID2) | 4.29 | |||
A321C | Ile107Ile | 3 | 13 (HOT1, QIX2, LIS5, XID3, WUT2) | 18.57 | |||
T411C | Thr137Thr | 3 | 13 (HOT1, QIX2, LIS5,XID3,WUT2) | 18.57 | |||
错义突变 Missense mutation | A416G | Tyr139Cys | 3 | 8 (QIX1, XID7) | 11.43 |
图2 长尾仓鼠不同类型Vkorc1基因变异个体在各采样地的变异率. NM:无变异位点;SM:含沉默突变位点;MM:含错义突变位点
Fig. 2 The mutation rate of Vkorc1 mutatants about Cricetulus longicaudatus in each sampling sites. NM: Non-mutatants; SM: Silent mutatants; MM: Missense mutatants
图3 黄胸鼠不同类型Vkorc1基因变异个体在各采样地的变异率. NM:无变异位点;SM:含沉默突变位点;MM:含错义突变位点
Fig. 3 The mutation rate of Vkorc1 mutatants about Ruttus tanezumi in each sampling sites. NM: Non-mutatants; SM: Silent mutatants; MM: Missense mutatants
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