ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 478-488.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.150835
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HUANG Xinjun, MO Zhimin, LI Minghui, ZHANG Lei, WAN Dongmei, JIANG Yiting
黄莘钧, 莫志民, 李明慧, 张雷, 万冬梅, 蒋一婷
CLC Number:
HUANG Xinjun, MO Zhimin, LI Minghui, ZHANG Lei, WAN Dongmei, JIANG Yiting. Evaluation of habitat suitability for Capreolus pygargus in the eastern Yanshan Mountains based on MaxEnt model[J]. ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA, 2024, 44(4): 478-488.
黄莘钧, 莫志民, 李明慧, 张雷, 万冬梅, 蒋一婷. 基于MaxEnt模型对燕山山脉东段狍生境适宜性评价[J]. 兽类学报, 2024, 44(4): 478-488.
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