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孙平  赵亚军  赵新全   

  1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所
  • 出版日期:2005-07-12 发布日期:2008-07-07

Sexual Dimorphism of Odoural Discrimination in Root Voles

SUN Ping ZHAO Yajun ZHAO Xinquan   

  • Online:2005-07-12 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 以新鲜尿和粪作气味源, 在行为选择箱中观察根田鼠的行为识别模式, 结果表明: 雌鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源行为识别的差异不显著, 雄鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源的行为识别在多个指标上存在显著差异; 根田鼠对陌生异性尿、粪的行为响应模式无明显差异; 除嗅舔时间外, 雌、雄鼠对粪气味的行为识别在其他指标上不存在明显差异; 比较雌、雄鼠对尿刺激的行为识别发现, 雄鼠对尿刺激的访问频次和反标记显著大于雌鼠, 雌性嗅舔时间显著大于雄性, 其他方面二者之间并无显著差异。因此, 雌、雄性根田鼠对粪气味的行为识别模式不存在性别差异; 对尿气味的行为识别模式存在性别差异。

关键词: 根田鼠, 气味源, 行为识别模式, 性别差异, 性二型

Abstract: The behavioral discrimination to fresh urine and feces of root voles (Microtus oeconomus) was investigated in a behavioral choice maze. The results showed that : (1) There were no signficant difference between odor discrimination to urine and feces in female root voles. There were significant differences between odor discrimination to urine and feces in males. (2) There was no signficant difference in odoral discrimination of root voles between urine and feces of strange opposite sex. (3) Except for sniff / lick time , there were no signficant difference on odor discrimination to feces between males and females. (4) By comparison of odor discrimination to urine between males and females found that , the visit frequency and counter-marking of males to urine were significantly more than females , and females spent more time sniffing / licking opposite-sex voles than males did , even there were no significant differences in other aspects. The results indicated that there was no sexual difference in odor discrimination to feces and there were sexual differences in odor discrimination to urine between males and females.

Key words: Root vole (Microtus oeconomus), Odorant, Behavior discrimination, Sexual difference, Sexual dimorphism