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周虞灿, 景增春, 温得启, 胡晓梅   

  1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所
  • 出版日期:2011-11-22 发布日期:2011-11-22


ZHOU Yucan, JING Zengchun, WEN Deqi, HU Xiaomei   

  1. Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 哺乳动物的蛋白质生化多态现象(biochemical polymorphism)是微观生态学和种群分子遗传学共同涉及的课题,国外已有多年的研究历史,积累了丰富的资料(Lush,1970)。产生多态性的原因,一般认为是自然因素选择平衡的结果(Hedrick等,1976)。

关键词: 啮齿动物, 血红蛋白, 盘电泳, 多态现象, 多态程度

Abstract: This paper ceals with the polymorphic phenomena of hemoglobin in some wild rodents.All animals are adult.The hemoglobins of one species of lagomorphs and nine Species of rodents were analysed by means of polyac-rylamide gel disc electrophoresis.The biochemical polymorphism of the hemoglobin was found in four species,and the monomorphic type was observed in other species.The results are given in the following table. In order to make a comparative study and to disci ss the extent of hemoglobin polymc-rphism of rodents in China, in the table we induce our published materials of other four species,indicated with star.There are 6 species with polymorphism of hemoglobin from 14 analysed rodents in China,so the polymoiphic extent of hemoglobin is at least 43%. The most types of hemoglobins in ]4 species of iccents are O. curzonicce which has 7 types,and the most components in all hemoglobin tjpes are R. norvegicus which has 6 or 7 components.

Key words: Rodent, Hemoglobin, Disc electrophoresis, Polymorphism, Polymorphic extent