兽类学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 66-77.DOI: 10.16829/j.slxb.201701005

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张波 叶玭婧 卢浪 姚辉 杨万吉 覃建庸 向左甫   

  1. 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院
  • 出版日期:2017-02-15 发布日期:2017-02-17
  • 通讯作者: 向左甫 E-mail:xiangzf@csuft.edu.cn

The influence of ecotourism on the gastrointestinal parasites of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)

ZHANG Bo, YE Pingjing, LU Lang, YAO Hui, YANG Wanji, QIN Jianyong, XIANG Zuofu   

  1. College of Life Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry & Technology
  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2017-02-17
  • Contact: XIANG Zuofu E-mail:xiangzf@csuft.edu.cn

摘要: 非人灵长类接触人类或受人类活动干扰导致肠道寄生虫与宿主关系失衡,这种影响造成肠道寄生虫感染,进而增加肠道寄生虫种类和荷虫量。为检验生态旅游对川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)肠道寄生虫的种类和承载是否有影响,本研究收集神农架国家级自然保护区川金丝猴投食群和野生群粪便样品,采用福尔马林乙酸乙酯沉淀法,共发现5种肠道寄生虫:阿米巴原虫(Amoeba),鞭虫属(Trichuris sp.),蛔虫(Ascaris lumbricoides),蛲虫(Enterobius vermicularis),钩虫(Hookworms)。结果显示,投食群的阿米巴和蛲虫的荷虫量高于野生群;蛔虫在投食群和野生群均有发现,但两者之间无显著性差异;鞭虫和钩虫只在投食群中发现。投食群部分肠道寄生虫具有高荷虫量和新增的两个种类是由于非人灵长类直接或间接与人类接触(生态旅游等)所导致的。

关键词: 川金丝猴, 投食群, 野生群, 肠道寄生虫, 生态旅游

Abstract: Non-human primates contacted by humans or disturbed by humans cause unbalance between gastrointestinal parasites and the host, resulting in gastrointestinal parasites infection, which further increases species and load. To identify if eco-tourism influences gastrointestinal parasites species and load, we screened fecal samples from one provisioned group and wild-foraging groups of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Shennongjia national nature reserve, China. We found 5 gastrointestinal parasites: Amoeba, Trichuris sp., Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis and Hookworms by formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation. The results showed that the load of Amoeba and Enterobius vermicularis in the provisioned group is significant higher than those in the wild-foraging groups, while there is no significant difference in load of roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) although they are also found in both groups. Hookworms and whipworm (Trichuris sp.) only are recognized in the provisioned group. The addition of two species and high load of some parasites in the provisioned group is due to direct or indirectcontact by non-human primates with humans (ecological tourism, etc.).

Key words: Golden snub-nosed monkeys, Provisioned, Wild-foraging, Gastrointestinal parasites, Eco-tourism