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黄毛鼠(Rattns rattoides Hodgson)的繁殖

秦耀亮, 王耀培   

  1. 广东省昆虫研究所
  • 出版日期:2011-11-22 发布日期:2011-11-22


QING Yaoliang, WANG YaoPei   

  1. Guangdong Entomological Institute
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 啮齿动物数量的增长速度,归根到底是由其繁殖强度决定的,而繁殖强度主要决定即于雌体的数量,繁殖力和繁殖期的长短等。我们自1963年开始进行广东农田害鼠研究以来,积累了一些黄毛鼠的繁殖材料,现报道如下: 工作方法自1963年3月一1966年6月,逐月在广东斗门县平沙地区,采捕黄毛鼠进行测量和剖检观察性器官状况,记录雄体翠丸是否下降,大小(长x阔)及重量,雌体的子宫角是否有胎仔及胎斑(包括胎仔数和胎斑数)。另在1976年7一9月在花县炭步地区,着重观测雌体的生殖状况。先后共剖检黄毛鼠7471只(雌体3190只,雄体4281只)。同时在室内进行饲养观察,以资比较。

Abstract: The present report is a part of our study on the ecology of the rat, Rattus rattoides Hodgson, The data of reproduction were based on 7471 rats which were captured in fields during 1963-1966, The authors attempt to give a brief analysis of the relations between the state of reproduction and the changements of population density. The results may be briefly summarized below.1. The main factors which lead to the changes of population density are not the number of the rats, but the length of reproduction period and the pregnant rate.2.The annual average pregnant rate was 30-42%,the peak of which was in autumn (72-92% in October of 1963, 72-41% in October of 1964, 68-18% in September of 1965), So that the population density took its peak values in winter of the same year and the coming spring.