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江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)的消化器官 Ⅰ.舌、食管、胃

李悦民, 钱伟娟, 沈浩宁, 陈芸   

  1. 南京师范大学生物系
  • 出版日期:2011-11-22 发布日期:2011-11-22


LI Yuemin, QIAN Weijuan, SHEN Haoning, CHEN Yun   

  1. Department of Biology, Nanjing Normal University
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 江豚是属于鼠海豚科(Phocoenidae)的一种小型齿鲸。我国沿海以及大的江河、湖泊中均有分布。1926年秉志曾报道过江豚某些消化器官的大体结构。以后Howell(1927)和Pilleri等(1972)也分别描述了其胃的构造,可是都缺少组织学的观察,对江豚的舌、肠和胰等的叙述极简短。此外,Arvy等(1972)、Yamasaki等(1976)和Komatsu等(1980)对江豚的舌进行过不同程度的研究。

Abstract: The materials were taken from specimens collected from the ccasial waters of the East China Sea, Bohai Sea and the lower reaches of the Changjiang River.No sulcus terminalis and foramen caecum as well as the lingual papillae (filifrom, fungiform foliate and circumvallate papillae) are found in the tongue of the porpoise. There is a V-shaped mark with four to eleven pits at the tongue's dorsum. Taste buds are found in the epithelium of the lateral wall of the pit in one of the specimens examined.The stomach consists of forestomach, main stomach and pyloric stomach. Its subdivition is similar to that of the stomach of the harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena (L.). The irain stomach is joined to the pyloric stomach by a connecting channel possessing pyloric glands.The mucosa of the forestomach is non-glandular, consisting of stratified squamous epithelium continuing from the oesophagus. The mucosa of the main stomach contains two kind of glands, the cardiac and the furdus glands. The former is found along a narrow zone,about 1.3 mm in breadth,adjacent to the border between the oesophagus and the main stomach. The approximate ratio of the parietal cells to the chief cells of the latter was 1:2 or less. The pyloric glands are tightly packed. They are not separated by a well developed lamina propria. This character obviously differs from that of the other dolphins.