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  1. 四川省卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:2011-11-22 发布日期:2011-11-22

A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF GLIRIDAE—Chaetocauda sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov

WANG Youzhi   

  1. Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station, Sichuan
  • Online:2011-11-22 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 睡鼠科主要分布于古北界,现已发现的现在种7属14种(Corbet 1980)。Daams(1981)系统的研究了本科,并建议下隶5亚科,28属,现生种仅隶4亚科。即道睡鼠亚科Gliravinae(2化石属),普通睡鼠亚科 Glirinae(6属,现生2属2种),林睡鼠亚科Dryominae(7属,现生3属4种),鼠睡鼠亚科Myomiminae(9属,现生1属2种)及非洲睡鼠亚科Graphiurinae(4属,现生1属1种)。

关键词: 睡鼠科, 鼠睡鼠亚科, 四川毛尾睡鼠

Abstract: During an expedition in June 1979 to Wang-lang Natural reserve, Pinwu county, Northern Sichuan, a new genus and species of Gliridae have discovered and named Chaetocauda sichuanensis sp. nov. which may be describe as below:Chaetocauda sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. Holotype: No.79018, adult female, collected on may 29, 1979, from Pinwucounty, Sichuan. Allotype No.79019, adult female, colleted on June 6, 1979, from the samelocality as holotype.Genus character: There is a dark chestnut around the eyes. Ears large, overing when lid forward to the eye. The terminal of tail is club shape, cover with dense hairs, and can not see the scale ring in external texture.The interorbited width is about one fifth of the greatest length of skull, incisive foramina is long, its posterior edge extend back beyond half of alveolar of M1. The mesopterygoid fossa extend forward beyond the posterior half of alveolar of M3, so the palate bone is pressed in square shape. The mandible gracile in appearence, coronoid process are long and slender and the upper margin at the same plane as occlusal of the cheektooth, The upper incisors are deeply grooved in the center of surface and the cuting edge with a "V" shape notch. The upper molar has an endoloph which connecte with the anteroloph and situate in the inner side of the first upper molar.Diagnosis of the species: As the genus character.Description of the species: External figure, The eyes is large, vibris-sae is long and of which some longest may reach to 31mm. Tail is thicker, slightly longer than body length about 53%, The tail terminal is club shape, and the all surface cover with dense hairs, however can not see the seals ring in external texture, mammilla 2-2 = 8.Skull, Crania are characterized by zygomatic wider, rostrum shorter and the brain case more convex. The greatest length of tympanic bulla is about one third of the greatest length of skull. Incisive foramina long, interorbited wide, palate bone square shape and mandible gracil, all above have been given in genus character.Teeth, the surface of upper incisor are deeply grooved in the center, and forming a "V" shape notch on the cutting edge.Habits: This small mammals lives on subalpine forest which were mixed by coniferous and broadleaf. The nest make on small tree and the distance from ground is about 3-3.5m. Its activity were in night mainly and the contents of stomach were mixture of green plant and starch.

Key words: Gliridae, Myomiminae, Chaetocauda sichuanensis gen.et sp.nov.