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王培潮, 陆厚基, 赵文良   

  1. 上海华东师大生物系动物生态学研究室
  • 出版日期:2011-11-23 发布日期:2011-11-22


WANG Peichao, LU Houji, ZHAO Wenliang   

  1. Department of Biology, East China Normal Univesity, Shanghai
  • Online:2011-11-23 Published:2011-11-22

摘要: 孕貂摄入日粮比孕前高8.03%,即摄入总能量高11.70%。产后,母貂摄入日粮与总能量的变化,近似S型曲线。孕貂体重与妊娠时间呈正相关,与泌乳时间呈负相关。妊娠期,孕貂每天摄入总能量超过呼吸量与粪便排出量之总和,则体重增加。泌乳期,母貂每天摄入总能量少于呼吸量、粪便排出量及泌乳量之总和,故体重减轻。

关键词: 水貂, 妊娠期, 泌乳期, 能量代谢, 额外能耗

Abstract: 1. The paper reports determining of the energy requirements during the pregnancy ( 0 -48 days) and lactation ( 0-30 days) in minks, Mustela vison.2. The caloric values of the daily food consumption and daily feces excretion samples of female minks were determined in calorimetric bomb.3. The resting respiratory consumed energy of the female minks was measured under a simple closed system respirometer at 22±0.5℃ of ambient temperature.4. Daily food consumption quantum (dry weight) and value of ingested energy of the female minks average 49.6506±5 .2614g/ind./day and 256.9105±30.2469 Kcal/ind./ day duing pregnancy, being higher by 8.03% (P<0.001) and 11.70%(P<0.001)respec-tively, as compared with those of the non-reproductive female minks.5. During lactation,daily food consumption and ingestion energy exhibited three time phases: 1) a poor appetite and level of minimizing ingestion for female minks during0 - 9 days after parturition; 2) a revival appetite and ingestion energy growing back to level of nonreproducing female during 10-15 days after parturition; 3) a good appetite and maximizing level of ingestion energy from 15 to 30 days after parturition.6. The resting respiratory energy of the female minks average 98.3594±26.5087 Kcal/ind./day during pregnancy and 117.7542±32.3371 Kcal/ind./day during lactation, and they are 49.29 (P<0.001) and 78.73% (P<0.001) higher respectively, as compared with those of the nonreproducing female minks.The resting respiratory energy of the female minks exhibited the positive correlation with both body weight and duration of pregnancy and the latter is probably the most important controlling factor. And during lactation, the resting respiratory energy showed the negative correlation with duration of lactation and it showed a positive correlation with body weight.7. The body weight of female minks during reproduction period exhibited two time phases, viz. the body weight is of the positive correlation with growth of pregnancy time (days), and of the negative with growth of lactation.8. The body weight of female minks during reproduction period changed with the balance of daily energy, viz. when assimilating is over expenditure energy resulting in growth of total body weight, and conversely, decreasing.

Key words: Mink, Mustela vison, Pregnancy, Lactation, Energy metabolism, Extra energy consumption