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杨安峰, 刘少英, 房利祥   

  1. 北京大学生物系,北京
  • 出版日期:2006-07-27 发布日期:2007-07-20


YANG Anfeng, LIU Shaoyin, FANG Lixiang   

  • Online:2006-07-27 Published:2007-07-20

摘要: 本文对我国仓鼠科沙鼠亚科和田鼠亚科8种啮齿动物的阴茎进行了比较解剖学研究。分析了两亚科的沙鼠属(meriones),大沙鼠属(Rhombomys)、田鼠属(Microtus)和绒鼠属(Eothenorays)4个属之间以及同属的种间异同。结果证明阴茎头(包括阴茎骨和软体结构)的形态结构具有属和种的稳定性和特异性,可以作为分类学研究的重要依据。

关键词: 沙鼠亚科, 田鼠亚科, 阴茎, 阴茎头, 阴茎骨

Abstract: In this study,eight species belonging to four genera of the subfamily Gerbillinae and Microtinae,and a total number of 32 penises were prepared and examined .The methods used to clear.stain and preserve the penises in this study were identical to
YANG and FANG (1988),which were similar to those of Hooper (1958)and Lidinker;(1960).Results were given as follows:
1.Characteristic features of the Meriones:1) Do rim papilla of the outer crater; 2) the single cone of the dorsal papilla which is hidden by the distal baeulum ; 3) the urethral process is bilobed with very shallow groove,and each side carries two to four conules; 4) the proximal baculum shaft is ossified while the other segments are not; 5) two blood sinuses are tremendously elongated.
2. The two species,M.unguicutatus and M.meridianus are relatively similar.They differ mainly in two points:1) there are no pointed spines on the exterior surface of M.meridianus,but instead is raised into closely spaced rounded hillock,whereas M .
unguiculatus has epidermal spines,2)the dorsal papilla in M.meridianus is embedded in a collar. while unguieatus does not.
3. MIcortus brandti: 1)presence of single cone dorsal papilla ; 2)the urethral lappet is trilobed with rather low medial lobe, 3) the proximal and distal segments are ossified while the lateral bacular are cartilaginous; 4)absence of blood sinus. 4. The main features of the Eothetzomys penis:1) the dorsal lobe bears no papilla,but each ventrolateral sector of the outer rim carries 4-7 papillae; 2) the dorsal papilla has two conules;3) the four segments of the baculum are all ossified.the distal segments carries a small keel medioproximally:4) the blood sinus are relatively small extending just or less to the distal end of the proximal baeulum.
5. E.eleusis and E.miletus arc relatively similar in phallic morphology and stand apart from the other two species.

Key words: Gerbillinae, Mierotlnae, Penis, Glans, Baeulum