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高原鼢鼠种群能量动态的研究 I.平均每日代谢及挖掘活动代谢特征

苏建平, 王祖望   

  1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,西宁
  • 出版日期:2006-07-29 发布日期:2007-07-20


SU Jianping, WANG Zuwang   

  • Online:2006-07-29 Published:2007-07-20

摘要: 高原鼢鼠(Myospatax baileyi)平均每日代谢率(ADMR)在6一10月期间无显著变化(F=0.731,p》0.05), 这可能与地下洞道中环境温度的相对稳定有关。各月份ADMR台并统计为1.3027土0.2314毫升氧/克。小时。ADMR与体重呈显著的负相关,两者间的回归关系为:ADMR=20.09W-0.50 。 挖掘活动代谢率(MRB)为4.6282±0.9332毫升氧/克小时,相当于各月ADMR平均值的3.15—3.78倍。MRB亦与w呈明显的负相关,回归公式:MRB=67.24W -0.5. 实验室条件(20℃)下一日代谢活动无明显的似昼夜节律现象,这可能是对黑暗条件长期适应的结果. 然而,自由生活状态下,鼢鼠的日挖掘取食活动却具明显的似昼夜节律,而且挖掘取食活动期间代谢率将明显地升高,据此推测:野外自由生活状态下的高原鼢有与日挖掘活动相伴随的日代谢节律,而且可能与温度的昼夜变动有关。

关键词: 高原鼢鼠, 平均每日代谢率, 日代谢节律, 挖掘活动代谢率

Abstract: Plateau zokor (Myospatax baileyi) is the specific species of fossorial rodent in
Qinghai—Tibet Plateau and a dominant species of small mammals in alpine meadow
ecosystem.To understand the function of this species in the ecosystem,a research project of population energetics has been carried out year by year since 1987.This paper reports the results of laboratory experimental measurement for average daily metabolic rate (ADMR) monthly June through October and burrowing metabolic rate (MRB) in October,1988. ADMR of the zokors in each month June through October was tabulated in Table I. No significant monthly difference was detected by ANOVA (F =0.731,p》0.05),suggesting no seasonal variation of ADMR in the zokors.This pattern differed significantly from those of terrestrial small mammals and was partly due to the relative stbility of microelimate in burrows underground.The relationship between ADMR and body weight (W ) for the pooled data could be described by equation:ADMR =20.09W-0·5 0(n=30,r =-0.726),where ADMR expressed in terms of ml O2/g, hrand W in gram. burrowing metabolic rate(MRB) of the zokors was 4.62829332ml O2/g hr,equialent to 3.15~3.78 times of averaged ADMR for different months.MRs was negatirely correlated with body weight.The relationship between M Rz and W could bedescribed by equation:MRb=67.24W -0.50(n =20,r =-0.493),where MRb expressedint:rms of mt O2/g·hr and W in gram. No significant circadian metabolic rhythm was found in the zokors under labora tory conditios with T =2O℃ .which was viewed aS an adaptatiou to darkness of the burrow habitat.However,we presum ed that zokors ranging in the field perform a daily rhythm of m etabolism accompanied with that of burrowing because of higher metabolic rate in the process of burrowing.The haraeteristics of daily metabolism mentioned above will be helpful to establish a model fit to estimate daily energy budget of the zokor which will be discussed in the next paper .

Key words: Plateau zokor(Myospalax baileyi), Average doily metabolic rate(ADMR), Daily metabolic rhythm, Burrowing metabolic rate (MRB)