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鲁庆彬  王小明   

  1. 华东师范大学生命科学学院
  • 出版日期:2005-07-15 发布日期:2008-07-07

Group Structure and Diurnal Behavior of Tibetan Gazelle during the Birth Period

LU Qingbin WANG Xiaoming   

  • Online:2005-07-15 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 在1996 年、1999 年和2003 年夏季, 对四川省西北部石渠县的藏原羚社群结构和昼间行为进行了调查研究。藏原羚的社群规模主要表现为集成2~8 头的小群体(占77.9 %) , 很少集成9 头以上的大群。藏原羚的社群类型可分为3 类, 即雄性群(43.3 %) 、雌性群(33.3 %) 和母子群(23.3 %) 。藏原羚的雌雄性比为100∶174 , 雌幼数量比是100∶44 , 成幼数量比是100∶16。在藏原羚的各种行为中, 用于取食的时间最多(37 %) , 其次为移动行为(25 %) 、站立凝视行为(19 %) 和卧息行为(18 %) 。藏原羚产仔期的昼间行为规律以上午(08 : 00~10 :00) 和下午(14 : 00~17 : 00) 活动为主, 中午(11 : 00~14 : 00) 主要是休息, 有两个取食和移动高峰、一个卧息高峰。取食与移动呈显著的正相关, 反映了藏原羚边走边吃的特性; 取食和移动与卧息之间则表现极显著的负相关。站立凝视行为没有明显的高峰期, 整个观察时间内, 藏原羚表现出高度的警惕性。他们通常在山的中上坡取食和移动, 在中下坡卧息, 且雌雄性间行为上存在一定的差异性。

关键词: 藏原羚, 社群结构, 昼间行为, 性比, 警惕性

Abstract: The group structure and diurnal behavior of Tibetan gazelle ( Procapra picticaudata) were studied in Shiqu county of Sichuan Province in August 1996, fromJune to August of 1999 and fromJuly to August of 2003. A total of 77 groups were observed.Group size was mainly composed of 2 - 8 individuals , which was 77.9% of total groups observed. The largest group observed was 20 individuals. Tibetan gazelle groups could be divided into three types: male-only groups ( 43.3%) , female-only groups (33.3%) and mother-offspring groups (23.3%) . The sex ratio of adults was 1:1.74 (female : male) . The ratio of juveniles to adult females was 44:100 , and the ratio of juveniles to all adults was 16:100. Daylight time budgets were calculated and animals spent 37% of their time feeding, 25% moving, 19 % standing and gazing and 18% bedding. Tibetan gazelle prefered to feed and move on the middle and upper slope of mountains and bed on the middle and lower slopes, but there were some behavioral differences between males and females.
Two feeding and moving activity peaks of Tibetan gazelle during the daytime were from 08 : 00 to 10 : 00 and from 14 : 00 to 17 : 00 , and the main resting-bedding period was from 11 : 00 to14 : 00. The positive correlation ( r = 0.628, P = 0.035) between feeding and moving behavior indicated that Tibetan gazelle usually feeds while moving. There was a negative correlation between feeding and bedding behavior ( r = - 0.929, P = 0.000) , and between moving and bedding behavior ( r = - 0.860, P = 0.001) . Observations of standing and gazing behavior were seen throughout the day, which showed the Tibetan gazelle's consistent state of vigilance.

Key words: Tibetan gazelle ( Procapra picticaudata), Group structure, Diurnal behavior, Sex ratio, Vigilance