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张礼标  龙勇诚  张劲硕  张树义   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所
  • 出版日期:2005-07-26 发布日期:2008-07-07

New Record of Bat Species-Rhinolophus marshalli from China

ZHANGLibiao LONG Yongcheng ZHANGJinshuo ZHANG Shuyi   

  • Online:2005-07-26 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 2003 年9 月8 日, 在云南省红河州弥勒县白龙洞(24°12′N , 103°21′E) 获得一号蝙蝠标本, 雄性(共捕捉和测量了7 个此种蝙蝠的个体, 但鉴于数量稀少, 故仅保留一只个体用来制作标本, 其余测量后放飞) , 经鉴定为马氏菊头蝠, 为中国新记录。本文给出了这种蝙蝠的特征描述和相关测量数据, 并对这种蝙蝠的分布进行了分析。标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。

关键词: 马氏菊头蝠, 新记录, 中国

Abstract: One species of bats, Rhinolophus marshalli, were collected in Bailong Cave, Mile County, Yunnan Province, China, on 8 September, 2003, this was the first record from China. And a total of 7 individuals were collected, but due to the small population of this species in this cave, we remained only one individual to make specimen (male), and others were released after being measured. Diagnosis of this specimen: the internarial spetumforms a large cup-shaped structure, with the sides expanded into "wings", cup-like internarial expansion trapezoid in outline rather than subcircular; sella broad, semicircular above as in R. rex and R. paradoxolophusbut much shorter, its lateral margins originating at the edges of the internarial cup rather than just within them, the lower part of the sella equal in width to the cup for a distance of about 1 mm, above its junction with the cup, the sella then narrowing so that basally the sella has small lateral lobes at this point; the anterior leaf is large, covering most of the upper lip and extending a few mm beyond the muzzle, it has a narrow, deep median anterior cleft; posteriorleaf higher than in R. rex and R. paradoxolophus, more nearly triangular and less rounded; nasal swellings higher, more inflated than in the allied species; infraorbital canal short. The dorsal fur is about 9 mm, in length, the hairs are dark brown, with pale bases; the underparts are smoky grey. The ears are very large and funnel-shaped, with a large antitragus half the length of the ear. Measurements, status, comments on taxonomy and distribution are provided.

Key words: Rhinolophus marshalli, China, New record