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常罡, 肖治术, 张知彬   

  1. 中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室,北京100101
  • 出版日期:2008-03-13 发布日期:2008-07-07

Effect of seed size on hoarding behavior of Edward's long-tailed rats(Leopoldamys edwardsi)

CHANG Gang,XIAO Zhishu,ZHANG Zhibin   

  • Online:2008-03-13 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 以小泡巨鼠为研究对象,在围栏条件下,测定小泡巨鼠对大小两种栓皮栎种子的贮藏行为差异,以检验最优贮藏空间模型的两个预测:(1)大种子(高价值食物) 的贮藏率大于小种子(低价值食物);(2)大种子的贮藏距离远于小种子。结果表明:大种子的搬运比例(39%) 多于小种子(21.5% ),多数的小种子(53% )被取食,大种子的贮藏比率(16%) 远大于小种子(7% ),上述结果支持模型的预测(1)。但是,不同大小种子在贮藏距离上没有显著差异,因而预测(2)没有被支持。实验结果表明种子价值对鼠类的取食和贮藏行为有十分重要的影响,但围栏空间可能影响对模型预测(2)的检验。

关键词: 贮藏行为, 最优贮藏空间模型, 种子价值, 种子大小

Abstract: We used Edward's long-tailed rats (Leopoldamys edwardsi) and Cork oak (Quercus varialilis)seeds with different seed size, a dominant granivore and tree species in the experimental forest of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, to test the two predictions of the Optimal Cache Spacing Model in a semi-natural enclosure: (1) The caching proportion of big seeds (high value)should be higher than that of small ones (low value); and (2) the big seeds will be cached at a longer distance from their source sites than will the small ones. The experimental results supported prediction (1): the removal proportion of big seeds (39% )was higher than that of small ones (21.5% ), and the caching proportion of big ones (16% )was also higher than that of small ones (7% ). But, there were little difference between big seeds and small ones in dispersal distance of cached seeds, so prediction (2) was not supported. Our results suggested that seed value had significant effect on hoarding behavior of rodents,but enclosure effect might prevent falsifying the prediction (2).

Key words: Hoarding behavior, Optimal Cache Spacing Model, Seed value, Seed size