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石红艳, 刘昊, 吴毅, 胡锦矗   

  1. 绵阳师范学院珍稀动物生态与系统进化研究所,绵阳 621000
  • 出版日期:2008-03-13 发布日期:2008-07-07

Postnatal growth and age estimation in villus noctule (Nyctalus velutinus)

SHI Hongyan,LIU Hao,WU Yi,HU Jingchu   

  • Online:2008-03-13 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 1997 年5 ~9 月,采用标志重捕法对中华山蝠的生长发育进行研究,共观察幼蝠388 只次(雄性184 只次,雌性204 只次),结果显示:中华山蝠幼蝠20 d 前体重和前臂长均呈直线增长,日平均生长率分别为0.57 g/d 与1.36 mm/d, 回归方程为:体重=3.05 + 0.57×日龄, 前臂长= 15.49+1.36×日龄。20 d后增长减慢, 大约5 周龄后开始飞行,初飞幼蝠与成体的体重差异显著,前臂长与成蝠差异不显著。中华山蝠幼体生长与Logistic、Von Bertalanffy 及Compertz 3 种生长曲线模型的拟合度均较高, R2 值超过0.93。前臂长的增长用Logistic曲线拟合最合适,体重的增长用Von Bertalanffy 曲线拟合最合适。根据前臂长以及第四掌骨与指骨间软骨的发育模式,得到出生后1 ~ 76 d幼蝠的年龄鉴定方程式。当前臂长≤43.32 mm时,日龄= -10.77 +0.71 × 前臂长;当前臂长> 43.32 mm时, 日龄= 71.10 - 9.89 ×第四掌骨与指骨间软骨长。

关键词: 中华山蝠, 生长发育, 标志重捕, 掌骨与指骨间软骨, 年龄估算

Abstract: From May to September in 1997, the postnatal growth of villus noctule (Nyctalus velutinus) was investigated by the method of mark-recapture on the campus of China West Normal University. Three hundred and eighty-eight young bats (184 males and 204 females, including recaptured ones)were observed and measured. At birth,young N. velutinus were naked and pink,with closed eyes and folded pinnae. Length of forearm and body mass for 1-day-old pups averaged 17.18±1.12 mm and 3.73 ±0.46 g, equivalent to 33.3 % and 18.0 % of the value of adults respectively. The forearm length and body mass increased in a linear pattern before day 20 at mean growth rates of 36 mm/d and 0.57g/d respectively. The regression equation is length of forearm = 15.49 + 1.36 × age days and body mass =3.05 +0.57 ×age days. Subsequently the growth reached stability. Forearm length and body weight reached 95.37% and 80.4% of adults in the fifth week after parturition when pups began to fly clumsily. The length of the total epiphyseal gap of the fourth metacarpal-phalangeal joint increased until 15 days, then decreased linearly until 76 days and thereafter closed. Of the three nonlinear growth models (Logistic,Von Bertalanffy and Compertz), the logistic equation provides the best fit to empirical curves for length of forearm, while the Von Bertalanffy equation provides the best fit to empirical curves for body mass. The equation of determining the age of N. velutinus between 1 and 76 days was found based on linear changes observed either in the length of forearm or in the length of epiphyseal gap of the 4th metacarpal-phalangeal joint. When forearm length was ≤43.32 mm,age = -10.77 + 0.71 × length of forearm, when forearm length was > 43.32 mm,age = 71.10 - 9.89 × the length of fourth epiphyseal gap of the 4th metacarpal-phalangeal joint.

Key words: Age estimation, Epiphyseal gap of metacarpal-phalangeal joint, Mark-recapture, Postnatal growth, Nyctalus velutinu