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  1. 陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区,佛坪 723400
  • 出版日期:2008-09-04 发布日期:2008-07-07

Population trends and ecological traits of giant pandas in Foping Nature Reserve based on long-term monitoring data

LIU Xinyu,ZHANG Zejun,ZHENG Xiaoyan,ZHAO Naxun,RUAN Yinqin   

  1. Shaanxi Foping National Nature Reserve,Foping,723400,China
  • Online:2008-09-04 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: 野生动物监测在保护管理自然资源以确保可持续利用上占有关键地位,在西方一些发达国家已成为濒危物种乃至生物多样性保护的一项重要内容。在我国,对大型哺乳动物的长期监测基本尚未纳入常规,针对野生种群的监测报道迄今罕见。本文以佛坪自然保护区2000 ~ 2006 年大熊猫监测数据为基础,通过大熊猫遗留的新鲜粪便等痕迹指标探讨了该地大熊猫种群的发展趋势与监测数据所反映的大熊猫生态习性。结果显示该保护区内大熊猫种群略显缓慢增加的趋势(t = 1.98,P = 0. 082),不同季节痕迹的海拔变化表明,该地大熊猫有季节性垂直迁移的生态习性。此外,监测数据所反映的大熊猫空间分布等亦与其他相关研究大致吻合,表明该保护区所采用的监测方法有在全国其他大熊猫保护区推广利用的潜在价值。

Abstract: Monitoring plays a crucial role in managing natural resources to ensure sustainable use,and has become essential to conserve threatened species or local biodiversity. In China, long-term monitoring of large mammal species has not often been conducted. Foping Nature Reserve, encompassing the highest population density of giant pandas in China, began indexing giant panda population size in the 1990s. We analyzed population trends and ecological traits of giant pandas in the reserve through indirect indices (e. g. ,feces)based on monitoring data collected during 2000 - 2006. The year - round total of traces found on transects was treated as an index of population size,and trace per km as an index of relative abundance. We found a marginal evidence that the population size increased slowly as indexed by feces (t = 1.98, P =0.082). The highest relative abundance within Foping occurred in Sanguanmiao and Xihe districts,and the lowest in Caoping. Indices of panda abundance in Daguping, Longtan and Yueba were intermediate. Elevation of traces found on all transects in summer and autumn was significantly higher than in spring and winter, suggesting seasonal vertical migration along elevational gradient. Feces found disproportionately on gentle slopes with deciduous or mixed deciduous and coniferous forest stands these ecological traits of giant pandas derived from monitoring data were consistent with previous biological reports. Foping Nature Reserve's monitoring technique has the potential to be adopted in other giant panda reserves.