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  1. 华东师范大学生命科学学院,上海城市化生态过程及恢复生态学重点实验室, 上海 200062
  • 出版日期:2008-09-04 发布日期:2008-07-07

Activity rhythm and behavioral time budgets of the captive forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii)in spring

XUE Cheng,MENG Xiuxiang,XU Hongfa,XIAO Yu   

  1. School of Life Science,East China Normal Universi ty,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration,Shanghai 200062,China
  • Online:2008-09-04 Published:2008-07-07

摘要: :2006 年春季,使用红外夜间观察记录仪,对崇明东平麝场12 只成年林麝(8 雌,4 雄)的行为进行了24 h昼夜连续观察。发现春季林麝的行为有37 种,可归并为休息、摄食、运动、社会、维持和排遗6 大行为类型,据此,建构了春季林麝的行为谱。根据各行为持续时间比率和频次分析表明,林麝的主要行为为休息;雌麝的摄食行为所占的比率高于雄麝,这是由于春季雌麝妊娠的能量需求较高所致。活动节律呈典型的晨昏双峰型,清晨(4:00 ~ 6:00)和傍晚(17:00 ~ 19:00)为活动高峰;夜间活动性显著高于白天。

关键词: 林麝行为, 时间分配, 频次, 昼夜节律

Abstract: Twelve captive adult forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii)(8♀,4♂)around 3-4 years old were observed from February to March, 2006 in the Dongping Musk Deer Farm of the Chongming Island, Shanghai. For observation, the cinematograph (IKENO/ OK - 203ND)with infrared was used for recording a continuous cycle of 24 hours. Focal sampling and all-occurrences recording were used for data sampling of the video recording. A total of 37 different kinds of behaviors were identified and grouped into six behavioral types according by physiology, i.e. resting behavior, feeding behavior, locomotive behavior, social behavior, maintenance behavior and elimination behavior. An ethogram of springtime behavior was then established for the musk deer. Independent-samples t tests and paired-samples t tests were used to analyze the date on time budgets and the frequencies of the six behavioral types. The date were showed as Mean±Std. Deviation. The results showed that the ethogram of forest musk deer revealed species characteristics. Resting behavior was the main behavior of the captive musk deer. The duration of resting behavior was high and the frequency was low. Females spent more time feeding and less time in locomotion than did males. The energy reservations were due to female pregnancy. Double activity peaks were found in daily activity rhythms. The first one happened at dawn (4:00 - 6:00),and the other happened at dusk (17:00 - 19:00). The observations also showed that musk deer were more active at night than in the daytime. The rhythm of feeding behavior had no relation with the time of provided food. The time pattern of feeding also met the high energy requirements of female musk deer in spring. In conclusion, the activity pattern of forest musk deer in the spring was caused by the common impact of short-term energy strategy and wild habit.

Key words: Activity frequency, Behaviors, Daily activity rhythm, Forest musk deer (Moschus berezorskii), Time budget