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  1. 中山大学社会学与人类学学院,广州 510275
  • 出版日期:2010-03-02 发布日期:2010-03-02

Nutritional requirement of captive non-human primates


  1. School of Sociology and Anthropol ogy,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China
  • Online:2010-03-02 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 非人灵长类的营养学研究越来越受到国际和国内社会的关注。我国是世界上实验灵长类动物的最大产出国。进一步了解和发展非人灵长类营养学将有利于提高我国非人灵长类的饲养水平和饲料资源的利用效率,推动整体产业的发展。为此本文介绍了近年来国际上非人灵长类营养学方面的研究进展和国家饲料配比的相关规定,阐述了各营养成分的作用、缺乏症状和改善案例。旨在丰富相关方面的科学信息,增加对非人灵长类营养

关键词: 饲养动物, 非人灵长类, 营养需求, 营养缺乏症

Abstract: Nutritional requirements of captive non-human primates have increasingly become a topic of focus for international and Chinese communities. Introduction of nutritional studies on non-human primates to China,the biggest breeding and exporting country for non-human primates in the world,will help to improve the standard of raising the animals,the feeding efficiency of ingredients,and industry development. This article reviews recent research progress on the nutritional requirements of captive non-human primates and explains the recommended levels by both Chinese (GB 14924.8 - 2001) and US (NRC 2003)governments. It further introduces functions of each nutrient composition including the clinical and pathologic signs of deficiency and treatment for the deficiency. The purpose of this review paper is to enrich the relevant scientific information and to promote understanding of the nutritional needs of captive non-human primates.

Key words: Captive animals, Clinical and pathologic signs of deficiency, Non-human primates, Nutritional requirement