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  1. 河南师范大学生命科学学院,新乡 453007
  • 出版日期:2010-05-27 发布日期:2010-03-02

Effect of food restriction and normal feeding after food restriction on physiological indicators of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)

WEN Yilei,NIU Hongxing   

  1. College of Life Science,Henan Normal University ,Xinxiang 453007,China
  • Online:2010-05-27 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 限食通常会显著影响鼠类的营养及内分泌等生理指标,但限食后重喂食其生理指标是否能得以恢复尚不
清楚。本文采取70% 的限食水平,研究了限食及重喂食对雄性长爪沙鼠生理指标的影响。将雄性长爪沙鼠分为
限食组、重喂食组和对照组。限食组先自由饮食4 周,后70% 限食4 周;重喂食组先70% 限食4 周,后恢复自
由饮食4 周。对照组自由饮食8 周。实验结束时,检测各组肥满度及血清白蛋白和总蛋白含量、血清甲状腺素
T3 和T4 水平、睾酮和皮质醇含量等各项生理指标的变化。研究结果表明,4 周限食显著降低了雄性长爪沙鼠的肥满度和血清甲状腺素T4 含量,显著升高了其血液皮质醇含量;限食后重喂食4 周后可使上述指标恢复或接近正常,但血清白蛋白含量比对照组低,其他指标与对照组无明显差异,长爪沙鼠的一些生理指标在限食重喂食

Abstract: Food restriction has been shown to affect endocrine and nutritional indices of small rodents,but it is not known
how normal feeding after food restriction affects recovery of these physiological responses. In this study,we investigated the effect of food restriction and normal feeding after food restriction on fatness index and some protein or hormone levels in the blood of laboratory Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Experimental male adult gerbils were divided into three groups:food restriction group (FR),normal feeding after food restriction group (NFFR)and control group (C). Animals in the control group consumed food freely throughout the 8 weeks. Animals of FR group consumed food freely for the first 4 weeks,then consumed food equivalent to 70% of their normal needs for the last 4 weeks. Animals of NFFR group consumed food equivalent to 70% of their normal needs for the first 4 weeks,then consumed food freely in the last 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment,we measured some physiological indicators such as the fatness index,the serum ALB protein level,
the total protein level,the serum T3 level,the serum T4 level,the testosterone level,and the cortisol level of the three groups. Our results showed that food restriction significantly reduced the body mass,fatness index and the thyroid hormone T4 level,but significantly increased the cortisol level of the male Mongolian gerbils. Food restriction-induced responses of the above physiological indices were recovered to normal levels in normal feeding after re-feeding of the food restriction group,but the blood ALB protein concentrations of Mongolian gerbils were significantly reduced. It is worth while to further explore the endocrine responses of small rodents to normal feeding after food restriction.

Key words: Food restriction, Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), Normal feeding after food restriction, Serum hormone level