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仝磊, 路纪琪   

  1. 郑州大学生物多样性与生态学研究所,生物工程系,郑州 450001
  • 出版日期:2010-08-31 发布日期:2010-03-02

Hoarding and consumption on seeds of Pittosporopsis kerrii and Lithocarpus truncates by Buff-breasted rat (Rattus flavipectus)

TONG Lei,LU Jiqi   

  1. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology,and Department of Bioengineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
  • Online:2010-08-31 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 在西双版纳勐仑地区,以黄胸鼠为研究对象,在半自然围栏条件下,调查比较了黄胸鼠对假海桐和截头石栎两种种子贮藏和取食的差异。采用SPSS for Windows (version 16. 0 )对数据进行统计分析。结果表明:1)黄胸鼠主要以集中方式贮藏食物,对两种种子均未表现出分散贮藏方式;2)在实验的第2 天(自由选择情况下),分别有20. 8% 的假海桐种子和39. 2% 的截头石栎种子被集中贮藏,黄胸鼠明显倾向于选择贮藏截头石栎种子(P < 0. 05),分别有4. 2% 的假海桐种子和0. 8%的截头石栎种子被就地取食,但差异不显著(P = 0.109);3)贮藏食物被盗窃使黄胸鼠的食物贮藏行为增强,而且对喜好食物(截头石栎种子)的集中贮藏量显著增多(P <0. 01)。研究结果表明种子大小、种皮厚度影响鼠类对种子的贮藏和取食;提示黄胸鼠在野外条件下对假海桐和截头石栎两种树木的自然更新起着消极作用。

关键词: 黄胸鼠, 食物贮藏, 假海桐, 截头石栎, 西双版纳

Abstract: The Xishuangbanna area in SW China is regarded as a region of interest by biologists and also as a hotspot for
biodiversity conservation. This area is mainly tropical rain forest and is located in a biogeographical transitional zone between tropical SE Asia and temperate East Asia,The Buff-breasted rat (Rattus flavipectus) is widely distributed in the tropical rain forest in the Xishuangbanna area. We investigated seed hoarding and consumption by Rattus flavipectus by providing them with seeds of Pittosporopsis kerrii and Lithocarpus truncates in four semi-natural enclosures (L × W ×H =10 m ×10 m × 1. 5 m) in the Menglun area of Xishuangbanna (101°15′ E,21°55′N), Yunnan Province. SPSS for Windows (version 16. 0) was employed in data analysis. The results showed that:1)Rattus flavipectus hoarded food only in larder form; 2) on the second day, 20. 8% seeds of Pittosporopsis kerrii and 39. 2% seeds of Lithocarpus truncates were larder hoarded and this difference was significant (Wilcoxon test,second day:Z = - 1.990, P = 0.047); 4. 2% seeds of Pittosporopsis kerrii and 0. 8% seeds of Lithocarpus truncates were consumed in situ,and again the difference was significant (Wilcoxon test,second day: Z = - 1. 604,P = 0. 109); 3) simulated pilfering of stored food enhanced food hoarding behavior by the rats,increasing hoarding of the more preferred seeds of Lithocarpus truncates (Wilcoxon test,Z = - 2.654,P = 0. 008 ). Our results indicated that seed size and coat thickness could affect decision making in food hoarding and consumption by rodents.

Key words: Food hoarding, Lithocarpus truncates, Pittosporopsis kerrii, Rattus flavipectus, Xishuangbanna