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刘全生, 冯志勇, 龚鹏博, 秦姣, 高志祥,黄小丽, 姚丹丹, 颜世祥   

  1. 广东省昆虫研究所, 广州 510260
  • 出版日期:2010-08-31 发布日期:2010-03-02

Effects of high-fiber food on food intake and digestibility in the lesser rice-field rat (Rattus losea)

LIU Quansheng,FENG Zhiyong,GONG Pengbo,QIN Jiao,GAO Zhixiang,HUANG Xiaoli,YAO Dandan,YAN Shixiang   

  1. Guangdong Entomological Institute,Guangzhou 510260,China
  • Online:2010-08-31 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 动物的消化生理特征和消化对策可决定其营养生态位。为揭示黄毛鼠适应高纤维食物的消化对策,在高纤维食物饲喂10 d和20 d时,以食物平衡法测定摄食量、粪便量及相应的能量学参数。在取食高纤维食物10 d时,摄食量无显著变化,但粪便量显著增加,消化率显著下降;至20 d时,摄食量显著增加,消化率仍低于对照组,但消化能与对照组无差异。高纤维组动物的体重在第10 d时显著下降,但在第20 d时未进一步下降。该结果表明,黄毛鼠能够通过增加摄食量和降低消化率的消化对策适应高纤维食物,此外,降低体重使总能量需求减少,也是其适应低质量食物的对策之一。

关键词: 黄毛鼠, 摄食量, 消化率, 消化能, 消化对策

Abstract: The digestive physiological characteristics and strategy of an animal can determine their trophic niche. To examine
the digestive response of Rattus losea to high-fiber food,food intake,fecal output,and corresponding energy parameters were measured after 10 days and 20 days of high-fiber food consumption. There was no significant change in food intake, but fecal output significantly increased and apparent digestibility decreased significantly after feeding on high-fiber food for 10 days. On day 20,apparent digestibility was lower still,but digestible energy was similar to controls due to a significant increase in food intake. Body weight on day 10 of rats fed the high-fiber diet decreased significantly from their initial weight,but did not decline further on day 20. The results show that R losea adapted to a high-fiber diet by increasing food consumption and reducing apparent digestibility,as is observed in strict-herbivorous rodent species. However, R. losea adapted to high-fiber foods more slowly than strict-herbivorous rodents. This response led to a reduction in body weight and hence,overall energy demands,and may be one strategy to used by R. losea to adapt to and survive on low-quality food.

Key words: Apparent digestibility, Digestible energy, Digestive strategy, Food intake, Rattus losea