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何岚,李俊年,杨冬梅, 陶双伦   

  1. (吉首大学资源与环境科学学院,吉首 416000
  • 出版日期:2010-08-31 发布日期:2010-03-02

Effects of plant phenolic compound on the growth and organ development of Reed voles (Microtus fortis)

HE Lan,LI Junnian,YANG Dongmei,TAO Shuanglun   

  1. College of Environment and Resources,Jishou University,Jishou,416000
  • Online:2010-08-31 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 在实验室条件下,以含0% 、3% 和6% 植物酚类化合物的食物饲喂东方田鼠,测定了植物酚类化合物对其生长发育和内脏器官发育的效应。结果表明,食物蛋白质为10% 时,含3% 和6% 酚类化合物的食物饲喂的实验个体,其体重在30 d 时较对照组个体分别降低16. 4% 和32.1% (P < 0.05),在60 d时较对照组个体分别降低16.3% 和35.4% (P < 0.05)。摄食含6% 酚类化合物食物的实验个体,其肝脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时分别较对照组个体增加6.8% 和6.2% (P < 0.05),其肾脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时较对照组个体分别增加25.5% 和19.7% (P < 0.05)。食物蛋白质为20% 时,与对照组相比,含6% 酚类化合物食物饲喂的实验个体,其体重在30 d和60 d时分别下降26.7% 和27.1% (P < 0.05),其肾脏相对重量在30 d和60 d时分别增加10.0% 和11. 0%(P <0.05)。由此可见,植物酚类化合物可影响小型植食性哺乳动物生长发育和内脏器官的发育。

关键词: 酚类化合物, 东方田鼠, 体重增长, 植食性哺乳动物

Abstract: The effects of plant phenolic compound on growth and organ development of Reed voles (Microtus fortis) were
studied by adding plant phenolic compound to diets at concentrations of 0% (control),3% ,or 6% . When dietary protein was at 10% ,masses of individuals fed 3% and 6% phenolic compound diets decreased by 16.4% and 32.1% after 30 d treatments (P < 0.05),and 16.3% and 35.4% after 60 d treatments (P < 0.05),compared to the control group. The liver index of voles fed 6% phenolic compound diets increased to 6.8% and 6.2% after 30 d and 60 d treatments,respectively, and the kidney indices of voles fed 6% phenolic compound diets increased to 25.5% and 19.7% after 30 d and 60 d treatments,respectively. When the protein level was 20% ,masses of individuals fed 6% phenolic compound diets decreased by 26.7% and 27.1% after 30 d and 60 d treatments,respectively (P < 0 05). Relative kidney weights of voles fed 6% phenolic compound diets increased by 10 0% and 11 0% after 30 d and 60 d treatments,respectively (P <0.05). In summer,plant phenolic compound may influence growth and organ development of small herbivorous mammals.

Key words: Mammal herbivores, Phenolic compound, Reed vole (Microtus fortis), Weight gain