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齐晓光, 张鹏, 李保国, 渡边邦夫   

  1. 西北大学生命科学学院,教育部西部资源生物与现代生物技术重点实验室,西安 710069
  • 出版日期:2010-08-31 发布日期:2010-03-02

The diversity of polygynous social systems among multi-level societies in non-human primates

QI Xiaoguang,ZHANG Peng,LI Baoguo,Kunio Watanabe   

  1. College of Life Sciences,Northwest University,Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China of Ministry of Education,Xi’an 710069,China
  • Online:2010-08-31 Published:2010-03-02

摘要: 重层社会是指社群内个体通过两个或多层面的纽带关系将彼此维系在一起形成的社会模式,是非人灵长类进化中最为复杂的一种社会结构,但仅见于狮尾狒、埃及狒狒和我国的金丝猴中。这些物种虽与其它叶猴类一样以一雄多雌社会单元作为社群的基本单位,但单元间不再具有领域性排斥对方而是相互聚集结合在一起形成大群;这样复杂的社群内个体如何稳定有序地组织在一起,长期以来受到广泛的关注。从现有对埃及狒狒和狮尾狒社会系统的研究看来,虽然这些物种具有相似的社会结构,但社群内个体间的组织模式与社会动力却截然不同。研究重层社会一雄多雌制体系的多样性,有助于我们了解物种利用社会组织适应环境变化的具体过程。但对于我国金丝猴重层社会组织机制的了解仍不充分,而成为当前研究的热点之一。本文从行为生态学的角度,阐述了现生灵长类重层社会物种在个体扩散机制、雄性替换模式、个体间联盟与繁殖策略等方面的差异,介绍了母系与非母系一雄多雌社会系统的经纬,综述了各物种维持社会稳定的动力与形成原因。旨在为研究者对我国仰鼻猴属物种社会组织与结构方面的研究启发思路,促进我国灵长类行为生态学理论体系的发展,并为保护

关键词: 重层社会, 社会动力, 雌性亲缘组合, 一雄多雌制, 社会联属关系

Abstract: Multi-level societies comprise social systems in which individual relationships are implemented at two or more
levels within the community. These societies are the most complicated social structures in non-human primates. Only Hamadryas and Gelada baboons,as well as snub-nosed monkeys possess these characteristics. The fundamental social unit for all these species is the one-male unit (OMU). The basic social structure shows similarities with other colobine monkeys, however,each unit is not independent,but rather these OMUs aggregate to form troops composed of hundreds of animals. The mechanism behind the stable formation of such organizations has been widely discussed. Studies of hamadryas and gelada baboons have shown that they clearly differ in terms of individual social relationships and dynamics. Understanding the diversity of polygynous social systems within multi-level societies could greatly help us clarify the relationship between primate social evolution and environmental adaptation. To date,information regarding the social organization of snubnosed monkeys living in multi-level societies remains insufficient to draw any strong conclusions. Here we briefly review matrilineal and non-matrilineal polygynous systems,focusing on differences in individual dispersal,patterns of residential male replacement,OMU succession,female kin-bonds,and reproductive strategies among species living in multi-level societies. This review is intended to provide background to current research and to inspire further research on snub-nosed monkeys,as well as to guide conservation work concerning these endangered primate species.

Key words: Female kin-bond, Multi-level society, Polygynous, Social affiliation, Social dynamics